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I wrinkle my nose. “Maybe not. He’s just so private, such a closed book. I wonder why he broke up with them? Or did they break up with him?”

“Honestly, I think all of them were mutual separations. Alex’s relationships have always been carefully thought out. They were nice, quiet, pleasant girls who, if I’m perfectly honest, seemed to have had little to make them stand out from the crowd. I think he wanted to date girls who were uncomplicated and low maintenance, because his life was so turbulent.”

I frown, puzzled as to why he finds me attractive, when I have all these issues with Lee and the accident to overcome.

But Mae says, “That’s why you’re so special. You have heaps of personality, and he’s so different with you.”


“Oh God, yes. He lights up like a Christmas tree when you’re around. You might not notice it, but we all do. He can’t take his eyes off you. He’s very different with you.”

We’ve reached the bottom of the path, on the level of the apartments. “I might stay here,” I say to her, “and get ready for this afternoon.”

“Of course. I’ll catch the cable car back.”

“It’s been lovely talking to you,” I tell her. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome here, Missie, and I’m always happy to chat about Alex and the others. Neal’s smart—a lot smarter than me—and the boys are the same. I’m not saying I’m dumb by any means, but these guys are gifted, and sometimes it’s difficult being on the outside of that. Us girls have to stick together, you know?” She smiles and comes forward to kiss my cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

“Yes, see you.” I wave, and she walks away, back to the cable car.

I let myself into the apartment, which is cool and quiet. I consider making myself a coffee, but I think Alex might be back soon, so I decide to wait until then. Instead, I go out onto the patio and stretch out on one of the cushioned deckchairs beneath the shade of the umbrella. I can smell the roses and the faint scent of chlorine from the pool further up the hill. It’s not an unpleasant aroma.

I send Finn a Snapchat, telling him how I’m doing, and just a minute later get a photo back of Zelda tearing around the garden with the other dogs, and a brief message saying how much he’s enjoying himself.

Putting down my phone, I lie back, thinking about what Mae said.

Alex waited for me. He didn’t pressure me, or rush me to get over Lee. He just calmly supported us both while he helped Finn walk again, until the time was right.

I’m so touched that my throat tightens, and I have to fight against the prick of tears again. What have I done to deserve this guy? This whole family, in fact? I know that if Alex and I stay together, I’ll be seeing a lot more of Mae, Damon, and all the others, because they’re clearly all very important to him.

I’ve done nothing at all to deserve it. I’m so lucky.

Swallowing hard, I close my eyes, letting the warm sunshine soothe me, and trying to believe I’m worth all the trouble.


A shadow falls across me, and then I feel the press of lips against my own. I open my eyes to see Alex looking at me upside down, leaning over the deckchair.

“Hey you,” I say, smiling up at him.

“Hey.” He comes around and sits on the chair next to me, then reaches out to take my hand. “You okay?”

I nod. “How long have I been asleep?”

“Not long. I came straight down after I found out you’d left.”

“I went for a walk with Mae.”


“She’s so lovely, Alex. I can see why you love her so much.”

He narrows his eyes. “Has she been telling you all my secrets?”

“A few.” I smile. “How’s your mum?”

He sighs. “She’s okay. Vulnerable. Lonely.”
