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I wasn’t going to bring it up, but the fact that she has suggests she wants to talk about it. “Yes, he told me yesterday.” I look across at where Alex is standing talking to Damon, and feel a swell of relief that he’s such a kind, loving man. “My own experience is very different, but my late husband was violent at times. Not with Finn, with me, but I used to worry that he would hit Finn.” I look back at Kait. “I walked out once, but I went back because I thought it would be better for Finn. I regret that a lot. I was frightened about being alone. It’s not the same as what you went through, of course, but I just wanted to say from one mother to another that I can’t imagine how horrific it was for you, and I admire you so much for the way you walked out that day.”

She looks stunned. “Thank you.” Her eyes shine. “It was a very difficult time.”

“Of course. I think it says a lot about the way you brought up your kids that they’ve all turned out to be so great. Belle and Gaby are lovely young women, and Alex is just… he’s a fine man. Honorable, loyal, and strong, and a lot of that has to be down to you.”

Her bottom lip trembles, and a tear tips over the edge of her lashes. “That’s a lovely thing to say.”

“Aw.” I put my arms around her automatically when I see her emotion. For a second she stiffens, but then she relaxes, and we exchange a long hug.

Over her shoulder, I see Alex and Damon looking over. Damon says something, and Alex nods. Then he smiles, and I smile back.

“Sorry,” I say as I release Kait. “I forget not everyone’s a hugger.”

“Don’t be sorry,” she whispers, dabbing a tissue to her lashes. “I appreciate it. It’s been a while since I’ve had a sincere hug like that.”

“Are you making my mother cry?” Alex appears in front of us and raises an eyebrow at me.

“Yeah, I was telling her how you got right down to your boxers in front of a crowd of women last night,” I tease as she composes herself.

“Close but no cigar,” he says, and Kait laughs.

“He was very good,” I tell her. “Has he always told jokes?”

“Oh yes. Completely deadpan, which I always found hilarious. What was your favorite when you were a kid?”

“What does a cloud wear under his raincoat?” he says. When I shake my head, he answers, “Thunderwear.”

I giggle, and he smirks. “I’ve still got it.”

The music has changed to a slow Ed Sheeran song, and Alex holds out his hand to his mother. “You don’t mind?” he says to me.

I smile. “Of course not.”

“You don’t want to dance with me,” Kait scolds.

He flicks his fingers at her. “Stop arguing and come with me before the music changes.”

“I didn’t think you liked Ed Sheeran,” she says, taking his hand and letting him lead her away.

“I love Ed Sheeran. You know I have a thing about ginger hair.” He takes her to the dance floor, and I see her laugh as he turns her into his arms, and they begin to dance.

Someone appears in front of me, and I look up to see James holding out his hand. “Finally got a chance to dance with the most beautiful girl at the party,” he says.

“Aw, you’re such a smoothie.” I take his hand though and let him lead me to the space in front of the DJ near to where Alex and Kait are dancing. James pulls me toward him and slides his other hand around my back, resting just above my butt. Alex reaches out and moves it up a few inches, and Kait and I laugh.

We turn slowly to the music, lit by the twinkling fairy lights. “Are you having a good time?” James asks.

“I am, thank you. It’s funny being without Finn. I’ve been a mum for so long I’d forgotten I was still me.”

He smiles. “I can see how that might happen.”

“What about you? Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yeah, free food and drink and good company, what’s not to like?”

“No Cassie though?” I say.

He sighs. “No, that’s over.”
