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“It wasn’t your fault. I’ve told him time and again to double check his brake is on.”

“He was distracted by the ducks,” she says. “We both were. Come and sit down. I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

I let Juliette lead me back into the room and go over to Finn. There’s no point in scolding him about the brake; his fear will teach him more than me nagging him.

Alex is still holding him, although as I walk up to them, he lowers Finn into a chair.

“Are you okay?” I ask, dropping to my knees beside him.

Finn nods and rubs his nose. “Alex saved me,” he says, and leans forward to put his arms around me.

“I saw.” As I rub Finn’s back, I look over his shoulder at Alex and mouth,Thank you.

He ruffles Finn’s hair. “If you’re that keen on flying, I’ll take you for a ride in my helicopter.”

Finn lowers his arms, his eyes widening. “Really?”

“You’ve got a helicopter?” I ask, stunned.

“Yeah. It’ll be a good excuse to get up in the air. I love flying. Remind me to check my calendar after we’ve seen THOR, and we’ll book in a time.”

Finn looks at me, eyes alight with excitement. He’s been fascinated with helicopters since he was a toddler, but I’ve never been able to afford to take him up in one.

“The chair’s fine,” Henry says, bringing it in.

“There,” Alex says, “everything’s cool. So come on, bro, what do you say we give you a ride in our robot?”

“Do you want to rest for a bit first?” I ask Finn, worried the shock has affected him.

But he squares his shoulders, clearly intent on putting on a brave face for Alex and the others. “No, I’m fine.”

“You have your cup of tea,” Alex tells me. “Juliette can bring you through afterward.” He glances at Finn, then back at me. He wants me to stay here for a bit. Maybe he thinks if Finn stays with the guys, it’ll make him feel better.

“I’ll be fine, Mum,” Finn says. He doesn’t want them to think he’s a kid.

“Okay,” I say softly, and Juliette goes over to the drinks table to make the tea.

Henry brings the chair forward, and without being asked, Alex bends and lifts Finn into it, making sure his feet are on the rests and that he’s comfortable before taking the handles.

“Have you played Hogwarts Legacy on Switch?” he asks as he steers Finn toward the door.

“No, it’s for twelve and up.”

“I’ll lend you my copy. Don’t tell your mother.” He disappears down the corridor, Henry and James chuckling as they follow.

I look at Juliette, who looks as pale as I feel.

“I thought I checked the brake on his chair,” she says as she pours hot water onto the teabags. “I’m so sorry.”

“You did—I saw you. He took it off so he could turn and face the ducks, and he obviously didn’t put it back on. Well, he’s learned his lesson today.” I blow out a long breath. “Thank God Alex was watching.”

“Did you see how he hauled Finn up?” She brings the cups over.

I take mine from her. “I know. I don’t know how he did it. Finn’s tall for his age, and I know he’s lost weight, but he must be about eighty pounds.”

She blows a raspberry. “Alex can bench press 175 pounds.”

