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Midnight comes and goes, then one a.m., and I finally start to flag. People are still dancing, talking, and laughing, but my feet are aching, and I’m really tired.

I can’t find Alex—I think he’s up at the house helping Mae with something—so I track down Damon and Belle instead. I give them both a hug, and ask them to tell Alex I’ve gone back to the apartment and not to rush, because I know he’ll want to stay until the end.

I walk slowly down the steps to the bottom level and let myself into the quiet apartment. I can hear the music playing, but it’s in the distance, and I’m too tired for it to disturb me.

Going into the bathroom, I take off the beautiful dress I bought for this occasion, remove my makeup, then slide beneath the cool covers and curl up, hugging the pillow. I’ve had a wonderful day, and I appreciate how Alex has made me feel like a member of his family, introducing me to all the people who are special to him. I have a small family who I love very much, but it’s great to think that all these people are going to be a part of my life going forward, providing that Alex and I stay together, and at this moment, there are no signs of that changing.

I think about what he said when he asked me if I’d like to go to Akaroa with him: We’d have some quiet time to talk. What does he want to talk about? The future?

The only thing I’m really worried about is how Finn and I would fit into his life. I don’t have any concerns about him and Finn, as they obviously get on really well. It’s more that I know I need to think about Alex’s career. I know he’s a workaholic, that he’s spoken in front of the Prime Minister, and that he travels regularly to Australia and elsewhere for business. His company is doing really well, and he’s told me they might expand to Australia and possibly even the UK and the States. Is it possible that he might want to move to another country? Or at least travel frequently?

I believe that stability is so important for children, and especially for Finn, after what he’s been through. Plus of course I have a job too.

I don’t want to come down all heavy when we’ve only been dating a week, but equally I think we need to talk about where we’re going, because I’ve already fallen for him heavily, and if our long-term goals are very different, it would be better to end things now.

Hugging the pillow, I inhale the smell of the roses through the open window. I don’t want to think about that. It’s going so well, and I’m a big believer in positive thinking. One way or another, hopefully we’ll be able to work things out.

I close my eyes, and within seconds, I’m asleep.


I rouse when the bed dips behind me, and then I feel Alex’s arm slide around my waist.

“Hey,” I murmur. “What time is it?”

“Nearly three a.m.”


“I know.” He yawns and moves up close to me, nestling into the pillows.

“You didn’t mind me coming back without you?”

“Of course not. I wanted to wait until the end in case Damon or Mae needed anything.”

“I knew you would.” I turn over to face him, and we snuggle up together. “I missed you,” I whisper. He’s naked except for his boxers, and his skin is warm. He smells amazing.

“Mmm.” His breathing is already deep and regular. I think he’s nearly asleep.

Smiling, I tuck my head beneath his chin, and I feel him kiss my hair.

I close my eyes, and go back to sleep.


The next morning, despite Alex only having had four and a bit hours’ sleep, we’re up, packed, and back at the house by nine, where we join all those who stayed over for breakfast on the terrace. We spend a couple of hours eating, talking, and laughing, but eventually it’s time to say our goodbyes. I go around hugging and kissing all my new friends before Alex and I head up to his helicopter.

It’s a bright and breezy day, promising a touch of rain later on, but we don’t mind now the wedding is over.

“Do you think Damon and Belle were pleased with how it went?” I ask into the mic as Alex flies southwest over the Cook Strait, heading for Blenheim.

“They had a great time,” he says, his voice coming through my headphones. “Mae was thrilled with how it went.”

“And was Kait okay?” I saw him talking to his mum at the end.

“Yeah, she got on really well with Simon, and they’ve made arrangements to see each other again.”

“Oh, I’m so pleased!”
