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We talk about the past—about Belle and that difficult time, about his friendship with Damon, about Lee and all the problems we’ve had. We talk about the present—the wedding, our families, what Finn and Zelda are getting up to.

And we talk about the future. I tell him that I know his work is important to him, and I want to support his career, but that I also want stability for Finn. He says he understands, and that he has no intention of moving either abroad or in New Zealand. He loves Christchurch and Kia Kaha, and he has lots of plans for things he wants to do there.

“Besides,” he says, “your job is here. Why would you want to move?”

I just smile.

He says that he wants me and Finn to move in with him. I have no hesitation in saying yes. My current house belongs to my mother, which she bought after my father died, so it doesn’t hold many memories for me. Besides, it wouldn’t surprise me if she moves in with Mike soon.

“One thing about moving in with you,” I say, “is that Finn’s going to be there.”

“Ah. I was hoping he might stay with your mother.”

I push him, because I know he’s joking. “What I mean is, we’d have to… you know… keep the noise down a bit. And it rules out having sex anywhere but the bedroom.”

“Not during the day.” He smirks.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll pick you up in your lunch break and take you home, then we can shag ourselves senseless on the kitchen table, or anywhere else you fancy.”

I giggle. “Yeah, all right.”

“Do you think Finn will mind moving?” he asks.

“Will he mind being around Zelda all the time, having a pool, a PlayStation, and someone to play games with? Hmm, let me think.” I pretend to ponder.

He pokes my chair with a toe. “You love to mock me.”

“I really do.” I put my feet in his lap, and he begins to massage them. I watch him, feeling love bloom inside me like a rose.

“I know we touched on it before, but do you want children?” I ask after a while.

He thinks about it while he strokes the sole of my foot with his thumb. “You want an honest answer?”


“I honestly don’t mind. You’ve been through childbirth, and you’ve got an eleven-year-old son, so if you say you don’t want to go through it all again, I’d understand. I love Finn, and I’d be happy to call him my son.” He lifts my foot and kisses my toes. “But if you said you wanted a baby? I wouldn’t be devastated.” He smiles.

“Are we really going to do this?” I murmur.

He lowers my foot. “Do what?”

“Be together. Be a couple. Get married.”

“Looks like it.”

I glance at my watch. “It’s 11:38.”

“Oh, wow. We’d better get started then.” He leaps to his feet. “Only you take so long to get going.”

I snort as he leads me through to the bedroom. “Yeah, right. Don’t be too quick or it’ll all be over by midnight.”

He laughs, pulls me into his arms, and presses me up against the wall. “Oh, I have no intention of rushing. I want to make the most of finally having you in my arms.” He kisses me, delving his tongue into my mouth. “I love you, Mistletoe Macbeth.”

“And I love you, Alex Winters. Happy New Year.”

“It will be,” he says, “with you by my side.” And then he lifts me and carries me to the bed, so that we can make love for a whole year, just as he promised.
