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“She cried a lot,” he says. “She still does, even though he’s gone.”

That makes me feel as if someone has reached inside me and grabbed my heart. “I’m sorry,” I say softly.

“I hated him,” he whispers. “I used to wish he’d go away and leave us alone. And then he died. Do you think it was my fault?”

Pity rushes through me. “Nobody was to blame for the accident. These things happen in a split second. He didn’t see the truck until it was too late. It’s nobody’s fault, and it’s certainly not yours.”

“I’m glad he’s gone,” he says, and then his eyes water. “Does that make me an evil person?”

“Of course not. It’s okay to have mixed feelings about someone. I’m the same with my mum. You can feel frustrated or furious or resentful with them and still love them. He’ll always be your dad, Finn. And I’m sure he loved you very much.”

He swallows hard and looks at me. “Mum thinks it would be wrong for her to date anyone else until dad’s been gone a year, but I wish—”

He stops then, though, as the door opens, and Juliette comes in with Missie, and the moment’s gone.

As Missie walks toward me, though, looking gorgeous in jeans and a pink sweater, with her blue eyes giving me goosebumps the way they always do, I feel a surge of fury at the thought that her husband mistreated her, an emotion that I know isn’t going away any time soon.

Chapter Five


I arrive early today, expecting to catch the end of Finn’s session, but as I walk through the offices toward the treatment room, I meet Juliette coming out with Kaia. They both look concerned, and my pulse picks up at the thought that there’s something wrong with Finn.

“Hey,” I say as cheerfully as I can, “everything all right?”

“Finn’s a bit frustrated,” Juliette said. “He’s okay, but I think he’s tired, and he got a bit cross with me.”

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s completely my fault. I should have recognized he was tired and stopped the session early.”

I go to walk into the room, but she says, “Alex is talking to him. Come upstairs with me.”

Part of me wants to ignore her—if my boy’s hurting, he needs me.

But Juliette’s already halfway up the steps, so I follow her, and together we lean on the balustrade and look down at the room.

Finn is sitting in his wheelchair, his face red and contorted with anger, glaring at Alex, who’s standing before him, hands on hips. Alex is talking, his voice raised, and I can just hear what he’s saying. “I’m not giving up on you, Finn Taylor. I’m going to see you walk out of here one day if it’s the last thing I do.”

My heart seems to shudder to a stop, and I press my fingers to my lips. Next to me, Juliette does the same.

Finn’s expression turns emotional, and Alex bends to look at him, lowering his voice so we can’t hear him. But the next thing we see is Finn throwing his arms around Alex and burying his face in his neck.

Oh shit, poor Alex. He didn’t ask for this. I twitch, about to turn and run down the stairs, but Juliette holds me there, and when she glances at me, she’s smiling.

So I stay, and I watch Alex stiffen, then relent and comfort my son, giving him a big hug.

Juliette shakes her head. “This guy…”

We watch as they eventually separate, Alex making Finn laugh, and then Alex sits on the bench and the two of them chat quietly for a while.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” Juliette whispers.

“I don’t know.” But whatever it is, I think Finn needs it.

Alex retrieves some water and a snack, and I can see Finn’s resentment fade as his after-school hunger is sated. Very smart, Alex.

They talk for a long time. I wish I could hear what they’re saying, but their voices are too low.
