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“Zelda!” Finn says.

“Yeah. Thought it was appropriate.”

“I love it! Hello, Zelda!” Finn tugs the hedgehog, laughing as Zelda tugs back.

“When did you get her?” I ask Alex.

“Yesterday. She’s eight weeks old.” He slides his hands into the pockets of his trousers. “I thought Finn could play with her after his rehab.”

Finn’s jaw drops again. “Did you hear that?” he whispers to the puppy. “We’re going to be best friends.”

I meet Alex’s eyes. He returns my gaze calmly, and we study each other for a good twenty seconds while I struggle to get my brain to work.

“Did you get the puppy for him?” I whisper eventually.

“No,” he says.

Juliette clears her throat. “He’s telling the truth. He’s always had dogs in the office, but his last one died back in January.”

“Took a while to get over her,” he says. “But I’m ready for a pup.”

He still holds my gaze, and I can’t look away. Even though the timing might have been right for him to get another puppy, I know he got the dog for Finn. He couldn’t buy him a puppy, because that wouldn’t be fair, so he’s done the next best thing. He’s even named her after a character from Finn’s favorite game.

I know it was for Finn, but it’s quite possibly the nicest thing that anyone’s ever done for me, too.

Emotion rushes through me, and I press my fingers to my mouth as tears sting my eyes. God, this guy, he keeps unraveling me.

Alex watches me for a moment. Then he takes a tissue from the box on his desk and brings it over.

He stands before me and holds it out. I take it, smelling the scent of his cologne in the air, the spicy vanilla aroma that pervades my dreams on a regular basis.

Before I can think better of it, I move up close to him and rest my forehead on his shoulder.

I feel him inhale, and then his arms come up around me, and he gives me a hug.

Behind us, Juliette kneels to talk to Finn and play with the puppy. But Alex and I stay standing, him holding me, as the afternoon sunshine spills across us.

He doesn’t say anything, and neither do I. He’s not wearing his suit jacket, and as I turn my head, I rest my cheek against his crisp white shirt. His throat isn’t far from my mouth—I could reach up and kiss his Adam’s apple above his tie, if I wanted. I don’t. But I could.

I stand there for maybe a minute, composing myself, listening to Finn’s laughter, something I haven’t heard enough over the last six months. Alex doesn’t move, and he doesn’t lower his arms. I can feel the warmth of his body through his shirt. The cotton is stretched over his impressive biceps. The guy must work out in his spare time.

I can’t stand here for much longer or it’s going to look weird. I lift my head, and immediately he drops his arms, and we both step back. I don’t look up at him, and he turns away and walks over to Finn.

“We’ll have to train her,” he says, and his voice sends aftershocks through me, leaving me trembling.

“Do we have to go yet?” Finn asks, sending me a pleading glance. “Can we stay and play with her for a bit?”

I look at Alex then, and he shrugs. “I’ve got twenty minutes. Want a cup of coffee?”

My lips curve up. “That would be nice.”

“I’ll get them,” Juliette says. “Have a seat, Missie.”

So I sit on the sofa and laugh as I watch Finn and the puppy playing together, filled with a warmth I haven’t felt in a long, long time.

Chapter Six

