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Judy Garland starts singingHave Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, and Alex pulls me close to him once more. “James and Aroha are leaving,” he says, amused. I glance around and see the back of them disappearing through the crowd. He’s holding her hand, and, when she glances back, I can see that her eyes are alight and her face is flushed.

“That was quick,” I say with a laugh.

“He’s liked her for a long time,” he replies. “I hope he doesn’t regret it in the morning, though. He doesn’t normally do this kind of thing.”

“I guess he’s hurting and looking for solace. Aroha seems like a smart girl—she’ll know that. She saw it happen, and maybe she wants to comfort him.”

He looks back at me. “That’s very practical.”

“Not everything has to end in marriage and forever.”

“Some things do.” He looks to his right, and his lips curve up.

I follow his gaze and see Tyson and Gaby over by the bar—he’s sitting on a bar stool, and she’s standing with her arms around him, kissing him while they talk. They seem so in love, it warms my heart.

When I look back at him, though, he’s watching the couple in the middle of the dance floor. Juliette is gazing up into Henry’s eyes, and the two of them are completely lost in one another.

“More solace?” I query.

“Hmm,” is all he murmurs.

“He seems like a nice guy,” I say. “I’m sure he wouldn’t hurt Juliette.”

Alex looks back at me. “It’s not her I’m worried about.”

That surprises me. “You don’t think she’s done with Cam?”

“I think she has a very strong sense of right and wrong that’s been suppressed by misery and alcohol and a momentary sense of carpe diem, but I think she’ll regret it in the morning, and that’s a shame, because Henry wants her.”

“Should you say something?”

“She wouldn’t listen, even if I did. She’s a grownup. She can sort out her own mistakes.”

We turn slowly to the music, his hand warm around mine.

“You’re a big believer in personal responsibility, aren’t you?” I ask.


“Even with Finn. He’s told me the speech you gave him about it being his decision whether to give up or not.”

“Ah. Well, I don’t have kids, so I can see how some parents might not approve of that. They believe children should be told what to think and do until they come of age.”

“But you don’t agree?”

“I think they need guidance, but I also believe it makes them work harder if they make their own decisions.” The song comes to an end, and a faster one begins. “You want to keep dancing?” he asks.

I check my watch. It’s nearly ten. “Actually I might get going. Finn’s supposed to go to bed at nine, but I have a feeling he’ll wait up for me.”

“The man of the house, huh?”

I smile. “Yeah, something like that.” Even though Alex said this wasn’t a date earlier, Finn will want to know how it went.

“Come on.” Alex takes my hand and leads me across the dance floor. Henry and Juliette have disappeared. We say goodbye to Gaby and Tyson, collect our jackets, and then go out into the cooler night air. Alex holds my jacket up so I can slip it on, and then he pulls his on.

“I’d better call an Uber,” I say.

“Or I could walk you home.”
