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“Alex, don’t be dense. I mean we can’t exactly go at it like rabbits. I’d be too worried my mother might walk in. I’m just not sure you realize what you’ve signed up for. Not that you’ve signed up for anything, I mean we haven’t even gone on a real date yet, but I’m just saying, maybe you should think a bit more about…”

My words peter out as he stops walking. I turn to face him, surprised.

He fixes me with one of his looks. “Did you think I was hoping you’d ask me in for a quickie on the kitchen table?”

“Oh. Ah… maybe.”

“Well, for a start, I don’t expect a girl to put out on the first date. What kind of guy do you take me for?”

I can see he’s genuinely indignant. I’ve insulted him by insinuating he’s not a gentleman.

I give him a helpless look. “I’m not very good at this.”

He moves closer to me and cups my face. “Silly girl,” he murmurs.

“You’re not angry with me?”

“No, because I don’t get angry with my girl.”

His girl. His words warm me from the roots of my hair all the way to the tips of my toes. This guy absolutely melts me.

“I’m not averse to a quickie on the kitchen table,” I point out hopefully.

He brushes his thumb across my bottom lip, his gaze turning sultry. “Mistletoe Macbeth, when we first have sex, it’s going to beslow as, and we’re going to be alone, so you don’t have to worry about anyone listening in when you have all those orgasms I’m going to give you.”

My eyes widen and my lips part as I inhale. His assumption that it’s definitely going to happen sends heat rushing through me. “Orgasms… plural?”

“Oh yeah.” He bends his head and gives me the lightest of kisses. “It’s going to be amazing.”

My brows draw together. “But—”

He kisses me again, stopping me speaking. “Neither of us is eighteen,” he says afterward. “We’re adults, and we’ll work it out in an adult way. I know you have a family. That’s partly what appeals to me. I like your mum, and I think Finn’s a great kid. I want the whole package.”

I swallow hard. “You don’t mind that I’m not… you know… all tight and perky?”

“You look pretty perky to me.”

“How do you know? You haven’t eye-dipped me once.”

He rolls his eyes. “Well, not conspicuously. That would be rude.”

“So you have noticed my boobs?”

“I am a man, Missie. Of course I’ve noticed your boobs.”

“They’re not bad.”

“They’re very nice. But the point is, I like that you’re a woman. You’re smart and beautiful and incredibly brave. And I’ve waited this long—I’m not going to rush things now. I want to take my time to get to know you.”

He waited? I’m not sure what he means by that. But there’s no time to ask him, because he dips his head and kisses me again. His lips move across mine, slow and gentle. We’re in public, with people walking around us, so it can’t get ultra-steamy, but he still manages to send tweety birds flying around my head. When he eventually moves back, I have to be careful not to fall off my high heels.

I clear my throat. “So… no quickies on the kitchen table, then?”

“Well, never say never. I must add that I prefer being in a soft bed, but I think that would make me sound old.”

I giggle. “A bit.”

“Yeah, well, I’m about a week away from groaning when I get up out of a chair.” He takes my hand. “Come on. The kitchen table might be out of the question, but if you’d like to invite me in, I’d love a cup of coffee.”
