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Still holding the puppy, she takes off her sandals, then walks barefoot into the main room. She looks like a Greek goddess. As I watch, she nuzzles the puppy’s ear and says, “Nom, nom, nom, are we having you for dinner?”

Muttering under my breath, I close the door and follow her. It’s all open plan, the kitchen fronted by a long breakfast bar, a large living room that overlooks the lawn, and beyond it the Avon and Hagley Park.

“Oh, Alex,” she says, putting Zelda down, “it’s amazing.”

“It’s not bad,” I admit modestly.

“How long have you been here?”

I go into the kitchen and get the bag of salad leaves out of the fridge. “I moved in just after Christmas last year. I’d been living in an apartment, but I wanted something bigger.”

She glances over her shoulder as she walks around, inspecting the place. “So… your ex didn’t live here?”

“No. You’re the only girl who’s set foot in this house, apart from Belle and Gaby.”

She gives me a happy smile and carries on walking around. Lips curving up, I retrieve a lemon and a bottle of olive oil for the dressing.

“It’s very tidy,” she teases. “I should have guessed.”

I just send her a wry look.

She looks at the art on the walls, admires the view, then comes back to the kitchen. “Something smells nice,” she says.

“Chunky chips. They’re nearly done.” I shake the dressing and put it to one side, ready to pour over the leaves when I’m ready.

“Zelda looks tired,” she says, watching the puppy get in her bed, walk in a circle half a dozen times, then flop down.

“We spent an hour in the park this afternoon. There’s a bridge over the river just down from here, so it’s an easy walk.”

“It’s a lovely place, Alex.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

She leans a hip on the counter. “Shall we go to bed now?”

“Behave,” I scold, turning away to pour some olive oil in the pan. “Food first. We need to keep our strength up. We’re having steak so we’ll have plenty of iron.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to have sex now?”

I retrieve a spatula from the drawer. “Stop badgering me. I told you we’re going to wait.” I turn… and then I stop dead. She’s taken off her dress, and she’s leaning against the counter, hands resting on the edge, waiting for my reaction. She’s wearing a white, stretchy lace teddy, and nothing else.

“Holy fuck.” The end of the spatula in my hand slowly rises a few inches. She notices and giggles.

I meet her eyes. They’re full of longing and a smidgeon of embarrassment and fear that I’m going to turn her down. Aw. It must have taken some courage to do that.

I stare at the oven for a second. Then I place the spatula on the counter. Rest a plate on top of the salad bowl. Turn off the hob, and lower the temperature on the oven. Remove the tea towel from my shoulder and toss it onto the counter.

Then I walk over to her and stand before her.

She moistens her lips with the tip of her tongue, her eyes wide. She’s actually trembling, but whether it’s from nerves or desire, I’m not sure. Maybe both.

“Um,” she says, “I’m sorry, I’m not sure what made me do that. I don’t want to spoil dinner. If you’d rather—”

Lifting my hands to cup her face, I crush my lips to hers.

“Mmm…” She rests her hands on my chest, then lifts them around my neck as I tilt my head to the side and plunge my tongue into her mouth. Aaahhh… she tastes sweet, and her answering half-sigh, half-moan sends the hairs rising all over my body.

“Alex,” she whispers when I eventually leave her lips and kiss around her jaw to her ear. “I want you so badly…”
