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I release her, make sure she’s not going to fall over, then say, “Wait here.”

She leans on her elbows on the counter, sinking her hands into her hair, mumbling something.

I take a moment to admire the way the lacy teddy clings to her shapely figure.

Then I pick up the spatula and flick the end. It meets her butt with a loud thwack that’s more noise than anything, but it makes her jump.

“Ow!” She leaps up and spins around, laughing. “What was that for?”

I point the spatula at her as I walk backward to the hob. “For misbehaving. I said: food first, then sex. I want to make sure you’ve eaten before we engage in serious exercise.” I switch the hob on, and turn the oven back up. I walk over to the fridge and retrieve the steaks, then close the door and glance at her. She’s staring at me, mouth open.

“I told you to behave yourself,” I tell her. “Now pass me the salt and pepper. I’m going to cook you the best steak you’ve ever had in your life.”

Chapter Fourteen


Oh my God, the man’s serious. He’s just brought me to an earth-shattering climax, and now he wants to stop and have dinner.

Somewhat sulkily, I pass the salt and pepper grinders to him.

“Don’t pout,” he says.

“I’m not pouting.”

“Yes, you are. You’ve had an orgasm. What more do you want?” His tone is teasing as he turns back to his cooking.

I want you. I don’t say it, but I think it.

He seasons the steaks, then put them in the pan and sets a timer on his watch. While they’re cooking, and while he hums along toBaby It’s Cold Outside, he stirs whatever is in two small saucepans on the back of the hob, then goes over to the bowl of salad, removes the plate on top, adds the dressing, and tosses it with the salad servers.

Then he glances at me and gives a short laugh. “What’s up? Your eyes are like saucers.”

How can they not be? He’s naked from the waist up, and while he doesn’t quite have a six-pack, he’s toned and muscular. His old, faded jeans hang low on his hips, and he’s barefoot. He wears his innate sexiness with ease. His hair is messy and damp at the temples, flopping over his forehead, and he’s clean shaven. He showered for me. That makes me melt.

I’m puzzled, though, and I don’t quite know how to handle him. He’s almost the exact opposite of Lee, who had no subtlety to him at all, no discipline, no wit, just empty charm, like a Pavlova dessert that looks great, but once you take a bite it’s nothing but air. Alex is a chocolate torte—rich, dark, and complicated.

“I guess my powers of seduction aren’t quite as good as I hoped,” I joke, a little embarrassed that I stripped off in front of him. Most men would have dropped everything to take advantage of that, but he obviously wasn’t turned on enough for his desire to overcome his urge for food.

He studies me, and then he stretches out a hand toward me. “Come here.”

I don’t move, still pouting.

He raises an eyebrow and gives me a look that says,You really want to test me?Conscious of the spatula lying on the counter, my lips twist, and I walk toward him.

He puts his arm around me. Then he says, “Give me your hand.” When I hold it out, he takes it and moves it to the front of his jeans. Oh! He has a hard on. I didn’t expect that. My face flames.

“Can’t fake that,” he says, amused. He kisses my forehead. “If you must know, Finn texted me earlier to say you were nervous and hadn’t eaten all day.”

My jaw drops. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. He was worried about you passing out in the heat of passion.”

“He did not say that!”

“Well, no. Words to that effect. So despite the incredible urge I have to hoist you over my shoulder in a firefighter’s lift, carry you off to the bedroom, and spend all evening making love to you, I’m going to wait until you’ve eaten the steak and chips and the magnificent dessert I’ve prepared.” He kisses my lips. “Then I’m going to screw you senseless.”

“Oh, thank God.” I slide my arms around him, and he laughs and hugs me. “Finn really texted you?” I ask, still astounded.
