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“I can’t believe you had it made for me.”

“I wanted something original, that nobody else would have. And something personal to you.”

I turn it over and look at the inscription again. To M, love from A. My eyes prick with tears.

“Aw,” he says, “it wasn’t supposed to have that effect.”

“I’ve never had anything like it. I don’t just mean that it’s obviously expensive. Lee never bought me anything romantic like this.”

“Then he was a fool.” His voice is hard.

I turn it back over. The gemstones glitter in the glow from the sparkling fairy lights. Carefully, I put it back in the box.

“Would you like me to help you put it on?” he asks.

I clear my throat. “Later. I don’t want it to get damaged while we’re… you know.” I give him a mischievous look, trying to cover up my emotion. The obvious cost of the present has taken me aback, but that’s not the most overwhelming thing about it. It’s an incredibly thoughtful gift, and I’m so touched by the fact that he went to the trouble of having it specially made. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much.”

He has a mouthful of dessert while he studies me thoughtfully. Turning his spoon over, he sucks it, licking it clean, then points it at me and says, “Pineapple.”

I look at the dish in surprise. “There’s pineapple in it?”

“No.” He has another spoonful. “That’s your safe word.”

I stare at him. “My what?”

He licks his lips free of chocolate. “Just in case.”

My lips curve up. “Can it be any fruit or does it have to be tropical?”

He laughs. “That’s exactly what I said when Juliette suggested it.”

“Wait, what?”

“Long story. She was talking to all of us, not just me.”

I have another spoonful of the dessert. “Am I going to need a safe word?”

His eyes gleam. “Best to be prepared.”

We study each other while we finish the tiramisu. George Michael is singingLast Christmasagain, reminding me of the night of the party, when we lay on my sofa and made out for over an hour. I think about what just happened in the kitchen, how he turned me around, slid his fingers down into me, and made me come within minutes. Okay, that was partly due to the fact that I was begging for it, I acknowledge that. But he obviously knows his way around a woman’s body.

“Penny for them,” he says.

“I was thinking that sex with you is going to be splendiferous.”

He laughs. “Good word.”

“I know it’s going to be apt.”

“I might be rubbish. It’s been so long, it might all be over in seconds.”

I giggle, finish off my glass of wine, and hold the glass out for him to fill. He finishes off the bottle, half in his glass, half in mine. “Feeling better?” he asks.

“Much. Thank you. For being patient with me. For waiting. For being so good with Finn. For the orgasm. The steak. For everything.”

He smiles. “You’re welcome.”

“I mean it, Alex. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you. I really am nothing special. I just hope… you’re not disappointed in me.”
