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I rock into her, her slick pussy tight around me and I press forward fucking her into the soft blankets. She’s whimpering with pleasure, demanding I move faster, harder and I give her everything I have, my body vibrating, muscles seizing as I feel the rush of orgasm at the base of my spine. I want to feel her come apart beneath me, so I spread her pussy, angling my last thrusts so that my thick cock hits her where she needs it most and her thighs shake as she comes, crying my name. Her pussy squeezes me so hard I see stars and I groan unable to hold back any longer. We’re both shaking and panting as I gather her to me, unable to stop touching her, even as I reach for the blankets to cover us.

I stare up at the ceiling, waiting for my pulse to slow. Being with Serena is incredible. I can’t let her go another minute without letting her know how I feel. I want her to smile at her sister’s wedding and not feel like something is ending between us.

“I’ve never shied away from hard decisions.” My voice is hoarse, and I clear my throat. I pick up Serena’s tiny hand and kiss her palm. “In the hockey league, you go away to play at an early age. You stay with a host family, but it’s hard when you’re fifteen years old to feel like you’re on your own.” I swallow and smooth my cheek over Serena’s hair.

“I can’t imagine. Our mom left us, but at least we had each other,” she says. I cuddle her closer.

“I had it easier than some. I was never too far away from my parents and Olivia. And then when I was drafted to Toronto, it was like a dream come true. I thought I had everything I ever wanted. When I got sent to Vegas, it felt like the end of the world. A new team, new city, far away from everything I have here. I’ve felt adrift. Especially after my injury.”

Serena sits up, looking at me in alarm. “What injury?”

“I got hurt during a game. MCL sprain. It’s why I’m here, actually. My coach couldn’t keep me off the ice and he got frustrated with me thinking I knew better than him, our trainer and the doctor about what I needed to do, so he told me to come home.”

“Are you okay?”

“I will be. But my point is that sometimes we get in our own way. We overthink things or think everything has to be a hard decision. Sometimes we should just be grateful and go with the flow.”

She looks away and I sit up, pulling her close to me. “We don’t have to overthink this. We don’t have to worry about if it’s real, or if it’s too soon to feel something this strong.” Her eyes flash to mine and I read the uncertainty there. Was I wrong? Does she not feel the same as me? I take a deep breath, not able to go a single minute longer without telling her how I feel.

I nod. “I feel it. I feel it in every single one of your smiles. I feel it in the connection we have, whether we’re having the best sex of our lives or simply sharing a meal. There’s something here and I think it’s just the beginning of something amazing.”

“I feel it too.”

Something eases in my chest at her admission, and I lean in to kiss her. When I pull away, she’s smiling. “I’ve never felt like this before.”

“Me either. I don’t ever want to wake up and wonder where you are ever again.”

Serena curls her fingers into my shirt and pulls me towards her, kissing me until we’re breathless. When we stop, she rests her forehead against mine. “Sounds like we’re going to be spending a lot of time in airports.”

“I can think of a thing or two to occupy us in case of emergency.”



My sister pushes her chair back and stands. She looks stunning, in her white silk wedding dress, like a fairytale princess. But it’s not her hair, curled to perfection, or her make-up, flawless as usual, or the dress or shoes or jewelry. It’s the man sitting beside her, looking like she makes the sun comes up every morning.

That was actually what he said in his wedding vows, which brought everyone to tears.

Savannah clears her throat and turns to me. “Although there are so many people I need to thank for pulling off this dream wedding, none of us would be here tonight if it wasn’t for my sister, Serena.”

Owen squeezes my hand, and a rush of emotion fills me as Savannah tells an amusing little story about our childhood, my love of lists and my ability to pull off perfection, even at the very last minute. I have to admit I’m surprised that the last few days have been perfect. The few guests that Savannah invited were charmed by the Gingerbread Inn and Olivia’s wonderful hospitality. Max’s dad is apparently a hockey fan and talked Owen’s ear off. The winter hike, cookie decorating party and the night of Christmas carols and charades by the Christmas tree were fun and made Savannah happy. Olivia even had a fresh tree brought in so that Savannah and Max could decorate it with their guests.

I couldn’t look at the sleigh without blushing and remembering our day together, but Savannah and Max looked like something out of a wedding magazine as they posed for their wedding portraits with the sleigh and Savannah was beyond thrilled to be bundled up in faux fur cape with her brand-new husband as Kevin, Duke and Eddie drove them from the small stone church where they held their ceremony back to the Inn.

As the guests toasted, cheering my name, Owen leans in and kisses me on the cheek. Savannah hoots and jumps up and down, before bending and whispering in my ear. “Don’t look now, Serena, but I think that man is in love with you.”

Later that night, during the dancing, Owen spins me out to the wraparound porch. Olivia has placed patio heaters strategically around porch so guests can enjoy spotting the deer that wander through the back field, or simply stargaze.

“Are you having a good time?” he asks.

“I am. This place is magical.”

Owen wraps his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my head. “Your sister was right, you know.”

“About what?”

“I am in love with you. I think I started to fall for you the second you walked past me in the airport with those boots.”

Happiness surges through me and I giggle. “I think you just have a boot fetish.” He growls, squeezing me tight, and I wiggle out of his arms. “You’re crushing me.” I turn and marvel at how handsome he looks in his suit. I reach up and push a lock of his hair out of his eyes. “I love you too.”

He dips his head, crashing his mouth to mine. I don’t know how I know, but I know this is just the beginning our happy ending.

As he kisses me under the stars, with snowflakes drifting softly down and the Christmas lights turning the blanket of snow on the lawn red, green, yellow and blue I can’t imagine anything more perfect than this.


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