Page 58 of Almost Strangers

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He chuckled, but it came out strained and rough, and it had him sinking deeper into me. It was so much better than the plug. Every movement had him shifting and caressing me from deep inside, nothing like the impersonal way the plug rubbed against me.

“Owen, I—” I lost whatever I’d been going to say as he started inching forward, leaning down to capture my mouth.

His kiss swallowed the desperate moans that rattled around inside of me as he slowly pressed deeper into me. When he was finally as deep as he could go, he gentled the kiss and drew back a little.

“You’re incredible, Adri,” he said. “Of course, I did sort of prepare you for this part, so I get the credit for that, right?” He smirked against my lips. “I’ll be happy to make that sacrifice any time, in case you’re wondering…”

Stretching up, I kissed him quickly. “You’re going to have to prove you’re worth it first. Then I might let you sacrifice yourself again.”

Owen took up the challenge and started moving slowly, carefully watching me. As he rocked his hips back and forth, his cock brushed up against my prostate, and sparks shot through me. He let out a tight laugh, barely holding onto his control.

“Right there,” I gasped out.

Increasing his speed, he reached down and gripped my thighs, shifting me just enough that it changed everything. My cock started to fill again as he hit that incredible spot every time he thrust into me.

The pleasure shooting through me, the feeling of his body as he sank deep into mine… knowing Owen was deep inside me, loving me, made it overwhelming and incredible. Watching him move was hotter than anything I’d ever seen, and the emotion and desire written on his face and in every line only made him more beautiful.

Reaching up, I traced my hands along his arms, loving the way his muscles and tattoos felt against my skin. I held him tight, wanting to keep him like that forever. With me, inside me, holding me… There was nowhere else I wanted to be.

No matter what happened, no matter the cost, I couldn't imagine having anyone else in my life.

Emotion and pleasure swirled inside me like a storm ready to explode. Crying out, I pulled him closer. “Owen!”

His rhythmic thrusts faltered, and a moan tore out of him. He leaned down and gave me a heated kiss, then straightened and reached for my cock. The rough feeling of his fingers wrapping around me and the frantic thrust of his hips pushed me headlong into the pleasure again.

My orgasm crashed over me, pulling Owen along with me. He tried to keep the pleasure going, to keep pushing me higher, but with one last thrust, he cried out. I could feel him coming inside of me as he finally gave in to his own pleasure.

When we were sweaty and pressed tightly together, his softening cock still inside me, his hand came up and his fingers traced around the edge of the collar I’d forgotten I was still wearing.

“So this shows you belong to me,” he murmured, voice breathless, before he kissed me again. “What shows I belong to you?”

“Everything,” I replied against his lips. “The way I touch you, the way I look at you, the way I feel about you. Everything shows you belong to me.” Then just because he was rubbing off on me, I kissed him again. “But if you need proof, we can always tattoo my name on your ass. I can guarantee you’d remember how much I love you and that you belong to me.”

Owen laughed. As his cock finally slid out of me, he pulled me close and rolled us over so he could wrap his arms around me. “How about we think of something that won’t require so many explanations?”

I was his. He was mine. To me it was as simple as that. But if he wanted something special, something that was just for us like my collar, I knew what I wanted.

“I want to be a part of your tattoos.” Tracing over the lines and designs, I snuggled close to his chest. “I want to have a part of me on it. Something simple and just for us.” Leaning in, I kissed a blank spot right over his heart. “Right there, because it’s where I already am. I love you, and I know how much you love me. I want to be right there where you can’t forget that, no matter what.”

“I could never forget that,” Owen murmured, pulling me closer. “I’ll save that spot just for you, Adri.” He grinned, impish and freer than I thought I’d ever seen him. “Golden retriever or chihuahua?”

I snorted. “I am not a chihuahua. I bark. I am not one of those little yappy dogs.” He was crazy if he thought I was a little fluffy rat. “You’d better pick something better or it will be my name on your ass. I’m sure you can figure out a way to explain it. Your skills with BS are legendary.”

“They have golden retriever chihuahua mixes,” Owen said helpfully. “They’re fucking adorable.”

“You can call me baby or pup or honey or even snookums, but you start calling me a re-wawa or anything insane like that, and I’ll kill you in your sleep.” I was not a fluffy rat, no matter how cute he thought they were. I was beautiful and happy. What was he thinking?

“Kinky,” Owen commented.

I swatted him, and he smiled at me — something genuine and warm, loving enough to make my heart melt all over again.

He leaned in and nuzzled my hair. As though echoing my thoughts, he murmured into my ear, “You’ll just have to be patient. It’s going to take a while to find something as perfect as you to put there.” Before I could turn into putty in his arms, he added, “Since you’re ruining my fun. I totally wanted a re-wawa on my heart. I guess you’ll have to find something for me. Trace it with your tongue a few dozen times, just to make sure it’s what you want to see there…”

He was incorrigible.

He was insane.

He was perfect.
