Page 22 of Courageous Touches

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Just FYI

… Only to hear a ding behind her.

Reyna turned – and saw him standing further back in the line, staring at his cracked phone screen and frowning as he tried repeatedly texting a response, before he looked up and met her eyes.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, and heard her phone ding. Glancing at it, she smiled and felt a laugh bubble forward.

Me too… do you like raspberry-filled donuts?

Kyle smiled at her shyly and stepped up to join her where she was in line. Reyna ignored all the looks and only had eyes for him as he moved to her side.

“Mornin’…” he said softly. “You’re getting donuts, too?”

“I thought I’d surprise you,” she admitted in a hushed voice.

“See,” he began, smiling at her. “I was thinking that maybe I would surprise you and we could start the day off on the right foot – with lots of sugar.”

He hesitated for a moment as his smile fell slightly, just as Reyna moved forward to order.

“I’ll have a custard-filled Long John and a raspberry-filled jelly donut…”

“Make that three raspberry-filled,” Kyle interrupted.

“Oh, I know you rascals over at the fire department,” the woman said playfully behind the counter. “You boys clean out the jelly donuts when you come by…”

“That’s only because they are soooo good, Mrs. Beckett,” Kyle smiled before winking at the older woman in a charming manner. “I think you put a little love in those things. Alex and I usually end up fighting over the last one every time…”

“Where are the other fellas this morning, Kyle? I made some lemon donuts for Chase…”

“I’ll text him and let him know,” he offered politely before glancing at Reyna. “I’m helping a good friend this morning getting a few things taken care of, but I’ll be back on duty Monday morning – so get ready for us.”

“Oh, I will,” Mrs. Beckett laughed easily. “I appreciate the warning.”

Kyle grinned – winking at her again as he took the bag in hand, before handing over a ten-dollar bill.

“I was going to pay,” Reyna protested quietly.

“My treat,” he replied gently, not looking at her as he paid and nodded. “Mrs. Beckett, can you ring me up for an orange juice, too?”

“Just get you one, sweetie…” the older woman crooned.

“No ma’am,” Kyle smiled, flushing slightly. “Charge me for it.”

“You sweet boys are something else…” Mrs. Beckett smiled, and then nodded politely. “Let me at least get you a coffee and top up your girlfriend’s travel mug?”

“Now that sounds like a bargain…” Kyle replied easily as Reyna’s mouth fell open in surprise just as she was about to argue the fact that she wasn’t Kyle’s girlfriend at all. No, he had someone else on the side, and this woman was incorrect.

“I’m not his girlfriend,” she began, unscrewing the lid dutifully on her to-go cup and saw Mrs. Beckett wink at Kyle almost in a conspiring manner.

“Yet…” Mrs. Beckett replied pointedly, pouring coffee in Reyna’s cup. “He’s a good boy.”

“Be sure to tell the chief that,” Kyle interjected, chuckling.

“Chief Carpenter is a complete rascal, and it’s no wonder you boys are getting a reputation for being a bunch of flirts. My goodness, just look at that sweet smile… and Alex, Chase, and Justin? Now, those boys are trouble - but you? You are a sweetie…” Mrs. Beckett crooned and actually pinched Kyle’s cheeks like some grandmother, before patting them.

“You’re the best, Mrs. Beckett,” Kyle smiled and dumped the rest of his change from his ten-dollar bill into the jar – both the bills and coins. The donuts were cheap, and he’d left her over a four-dollar tip.

“You scoop him up little Reyna, and tell your mama I said, ‘Hello’…” Mrs. Beckett called out happily as they moved away from the counter, surprising her.
