Page 29 of Courageous Touches

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“You know it…”

They both smiled at each other in understanding, before Kyle got to his feet and extended a hand towards her. Reyna put her hand in his as he helped her up from where they had been sitting on the floor of the small bathroom.

As she stood there before him, she couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips. There was something special about just being near him, in his presence, that made her feel alive and full of wonder at who he was and the unassuming way they’d met.

If she hadn’t been on her way to the bank, hadn’t cut through the park where the gazebo was because she was running late… or hadn’t taken a desperate chance?

Things would have been so much different.

Now, she had a person she considered a friend – and a date with a gorgeous fireman who said ‘cool’ a little too often.

“Hi…” he whispered softly, watching her.

“Hi yourself…” she breathed, standing there before him – and then shivered.

“You’re cold and probably should get going,” he said suddenly, breaking the moment and stepping back from her. “I don’t want to get you over to your mother’s too late, you know?”

She nodded and watched him leave the café, picking up her purse, before following so she could lock the door.


Kyle was a basketcase…

He actually had a date with Reyna!

There was no way that gorgeous girl would ever go out with him, or so he thought, but when he was dancing with her in the café… and he intended for it to start out as playful? There was just something about her that made him feel like he could do it. That he could ask her out.

… And he had.

She didn’t laugh, run away, or make a disgusted face because he was‘poor Kyle Rimes’ that grew up on the farm on the outside of town. No, she looked at him like he was some incredible guy… and she was so far out of his league it wasn’t even funny.

That straight cropped hair and no-nonsense attitude she had was just a façade that covered the inquisitive, clever playfulness that was hidden inside.

He adored hearing her laugh and had nearly blown his cover, trying to act all calm or collected the moment they had been standing in the hidden stairwell… when he’d grabbed her hands to quit the torturous tickling – only to pin them above her head, putting them both in a precarious position.

… And she leaned into him, causing Kyle to nearly swallow his tongue!

Gosh, she was exquisite, and he felt like some befuddled, barefoot farm boy from the boonies… the attraction to her was incredibly strong, and he kept thinking that she was just being nice because he was helping her out – which was part of the reason he kept volunteering.

He hated installing toilets or doing any plumbing at all. Electrical? He was always scared to get shocked and cut the entire power to the breakers, not just the one fuse. Painting? He hated painting, and his arms were aching from having rolled out everything in record time just to impress her.

He had no idea how to use Minwax – or if he would be able to actually buff the massive wooden display counter that was breathtaking to behold.

Yes, the urge to impress Reyna was making him agree to all sorts of stupid things – such as volunteering to meet her mother.

“Oh my gosh… I’m going to meet her mom on the first date?” he whispered in disbelief, slapping his forehead and dragging his hand down his face in dismay. “I don’t even know if my nice clothes are in storage or at the bottom of the suitcase at Chase’s – and I’ve got less than two hours to find something appropriate.”

Starting his old truck, he headed home… feeling dread building almost every mile he passed, knowing how Chase was going to react when he saw his wet britches.

Moments later – Kyle wasn’t disappointed.

Chase and his son, Johnny, were walking out to get in his vehicle… and burst out laughing at the sight of Kyle’s pants.

“Daddy – look at that! Kyle needs a diaper just like a baby…”

“Problems?” Chase grinned, not countering his son’s comments or sticking up for Kyle in the slightest. “Should I get a plastic cover for the couch, buddy?”

“Har, har, har…” Kyle muttered, feeling his face redden with embarrassment as he walked up to the house. “Funny.”
