Page 45 of Courageous Touches

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She had three entire boxes of knick-knacks to go on those shelves, but didn’t want to disturb Kyle’s work. He was doing so much, and she had to imagine his arms were aching, but he never said a word. He would only look up and smile at her every once in a while, before putting his head back down, polishing away.

“It’s all just so perfect…” she breathed openly, looking around. Even the pale-yellow toilet fit in, and she had made a sign to go above it that was humorous – even if it was a little gaudy.

The Golden Throne Room

(don’t linger – and DO flush!)

All of the décor in this room was just as whimsical – and felt like it.

She found a few dark purple frames with gold inlay at Hobby Lobby in Tyler – and framed several pieces from a calendar full of fairy tales. Her favorite was Tinkerbell with her eyes covered, yet peeking, and that was hung directly beside the toilet for a laugh… and she wrapped ivy around the light fixture to make it quirky, before hanging a bird cage with a garden gnome inside.

Yes, everything was unexpected, sweet, and fun… just like she wanted and needed it to be.

“This is incredible,” Kyle said, standing up, and stretching for a moment as she left the bathroom to return to where he was at. “Everything looks so inviting and cozy – you have a real eye for this kind of thing.”

“I hope everyone else thinks so too.”

“I’m sure they will.”

“Did I tell you that I called that bakery you mentioned in Yonder?”


“Yeah. She is interested in selling some goods here for a cut.”

“That’s fantastic.”

“I need to go over and try a few things – and thought maybe we could do that next weekend,” she invited shyly. “I’m still waiting for all the documents to go through, and don’t have an official opening date yet. I know it’s backwards and silly, but I’ve had…”

“You’ve had a lot on your plate,” he finished softly – and winced.

“Are you okay?”

“Just really sore,” he admitted, rolling his shoulders.

“Sit down,” she ordered immediately, yanking a chair away from a table. “And remind me that I need to get tablecloths later,” she said absently as she put a hand on his shoulder, pressing him pointedly towards the chair.

As Kyle took a seat, she immediately stood behind him, rubbing his shoulders easily, as if this was the most natural thing in the world. He was completely silent and just sat there, unmoving, and so very tense.

“Your shoulders are full of knots,” she said openly. “Try to relax and…”

“Do you do this a lot?”


“Rub people’s shoulders…”

She smiled and hesitated, hearing the wary yet possessive tone to his voice that sent a thrill rocketing down her spine. She liked that he wanted to be special… and she hoped he always felt that way.

Leaning down, she put her face next to his and whispered in his ear.

“I only rub the shoulders of guys that come to my rescue in the middle of the night, fish out vent kittens, and wax countertops for me while eating pizza,” she breathed, before leaning in to kiss his cheek.

Kyle smiled softly, looking at her sideways.

“I’m the only guy that better rescue you in the middle of the night,” he whispered tenderly, his eyes full of love.

“Don’t forget the countertops… or vent kittens,” she said playfully as she continued rubbing, digging her thumb in a very tense spot. “And relax.”
