Page 56 of Courageous Touches

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A week later…

Reyna could not getover how wonderful things seemed to be with Kyle since his release from the hospital. He was attentive, loving, supportive, and kind… including encouraging her to open the café in the strangest, yet sweetest of ways.

“I think you should have a Christmas event, invite the town to sing carols, have coffee, hot cocoa, and show off what you have here – announcing a grand opening date,” he told her as they tried several samples of cakes, cookies, and goodies that Dixie had offered for her to try.

Reyna really liked the woman upon meeting her, and listened fascinated as she came to run her bakery in Yonder. Her husband was one of the instructors over at the flight school in town called Flyboys. They had met through her sister, on a blind date… that went a little off the rails.

“I threw him out of my bakery,” Dixie admitted smiling, causing Reyna to laugh at the woman, instantly understanding.

“Ipurchasedmy boyfriend, so I understand,” Reyna admitted. “He was a firefighter offering his time for charity – and I was the winning bidder of a date.”

“See? Quirky starts are the best, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they are…”

“Well, help yourself – and text me the ones you like. We’ll figure this out. At Flyboys and at the Merrick Bed & Breakfast up the road, we refer customers to each other, passing off business cards… so there is no reason we can’t do the same for each other,” Dixie offered happily.

“That would be wonderful,” Reyna grinned. “Thank you.”

She shook her head at the memory from earlier in the morning and looked at Kyle again, a little nervous.

Everything was in place now, so there was no reason not to open. She had her foodservice license and the place had passed inspection; the permits were issued, and everything was a go… except for Reyna.

She was nervous and a little antsy, because it would pull away from her time spent with Kyle – and she was really treasuring these moments.

“Do you think we can do it in such short notice?”

“I know we can,” he smiled supportively. “I can hand out flyers since I’m on light duty for the time being – and I can try to sweet talk Mrs. Kendall to hand them out at the bingo halls. Besides, the guys would love to come by the café or get something to eat. Maybe Dixie can make some bite sized things that aren’t too expensive and…”

“I really can’t afford to do that, and need this café to succeed.”

“You aren’t alone,” Kyle said tenderly, laying a hand on hers. “I want you to enjoy the fruits of our labor and would be happy to help.”

“I could never ask that of you…” she sputtered nervously.

“I know,” he smiled. “And that’s why I’m offering.”

“I can’t…”

“Don’t make me go around you,” he grinned knowingly. “Do this – please. Let me help with what I can for your opening, and let’s make the ‘Far Away Café’ something to remember. We can string up Christmas lights, tinsel, and use candy canes for stirrers…”

“Are you sure?”

“You’ve got the marketing stuff already made – and the business cards,” he countered, pressing her. “You’ve got this, Reyna. What are you waiting for?”

She hesitated.

“What’s wrong? Youarewaiting, aren’t you?” he asked in amazement, slightly curious. “You were so excited and driven about this… so what is holding you back?”

“I don’t want to take help from you, and I’ve had so many changes in the last few months, that I’m afraid something will go wrong – causing another change… one that I won’t be able to handle, you know?”

“You’ve dealt with a lot,” he agreed easily, holding her hand and caressing it with his thumb. “You’ve moved your mother, fixed up the café and cleaned out her house, adopted Vent Cat, been stuck with a frustrating boyfriend - who nearly got himself killed recently and…”

Kyle hesitated and looked at her.

“Are you worried about us?”
