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After a while, the trembling subsides and I feel her relax against me. She buries her face in my chest, resting against me gently.“Can we just—“

“No we can’t.”She whispers, looking up at me with red rimmed eyes.“Just answer the damned question, Liam. Tell me you love me and you want this. That’s all.”

I pull back, running a hand through my hair in frustration. A million thoughts whirl through my head but one of them stands out above all the rest:I’m not ready for this.

She must see something in my expression because she looks down, her brow furrowing.“Liam…?”She whispers with uncertainty.

“I can’t.”I finally reply quietly.“It wouldn’t be right.”

Her gaze meets mine and there are still traces of hope lingering in her beautiful brown eyes.“Liam…”

“I’m sorry. You do deserve better and sadly, I can’t offer that.”

A sad smile creeps its way on her lips, a single tear spilling from her left eye.“Fine.”

I take a step closer to her but she backs away from me.

I open my mouth to speak, feeling guilty for hurting her but she cuts me short.“You don’t need to apologize. I understand.”

She walks past me as she grabs her jacket and heads for the door, stopping in front of the mirror to fix her hair before walking out. Without turning to look at me, she says,“Goodbye. Be good, ok?”

The door closes behind her and I lean against the wall, closing my eyes.

Fuck.How did this happen so fast? And with Alana of all people?I had been fighting it for months, but now the feeling hangs heavy over me like a dark cloud. I can’t keep living like this anymore. Something is missing. I have to find out what it is, or it’ll drive me insane.



Ican still see the image of them as clear as day in my mind, as I wiggle my way out of my underwear. Just a little over twenty four hours ago, I caught my boyfriend–or now, ex-boyfriend —with my friend Jessica making out against his kitchen countertop, right after he had promised me that I had no reason to be worried about their “friendship”. I should have trusted my instincts and not him.

The pain is still fresh. The hurt is still palpable. Every time I think of it, I want to cry out. But the only way I can make myself feel better is by getting back at him...

“Fuck you look so beautiful.” His best friend, Luke, tells me as he kisses my cheek, and then moves onto my jawline, leaving me flushed and breathless. A smile tugs at my lips as my eyes catch sight of the camera I have hidden in the bookshelf at the other end of the room. I’m not gonna spend anymore time sulking, I’m gonna make him pay for hurting me and I’m gonna have fun doing it.

My heart sinks momentarily at the thought of the brawl that would break out between them when Matt (my ex)gets the pictures I’ll be sending him in the morning. But all of that doesn’t matter to me right now. No, what matters is revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge.

Luke kisses my neck again before moving on to my collarbone. He sucks hard enough that a bruise will form there tomorrow, but tonight, I just love the fact that he’s giving my neck a good, lingering kiss. It makes me squirm and wriggle even more. He smiles against my skin and starts sucking harder, his free hand roaming dangerously low down my body, leaving firecrackers erupting behind my ribs and igniting every nerve ending. “You taste so good,” he murmurs against my shoulder.

The sound of his voice alone makes me shudder. Luke’s tongue runs along my clavicle in a slow, circular motion as he starts sucking on my nipple with his mouth, and God does that feel good. I close my eyes and bite down on my lip in order to stifle an embarrassingly high moan. His hand finally finds my throbbing clit and starts stroking it, while his tongue continues to work its magic. My thighs tremble and Luke smirks against my flesh as he continues the sensual torture until I reach the point of wanting to scream.

“You like that?” He asks as he pulls away and presses a soft kiss to my neck again. I nod, unable to speak, too busy trying to breathe.

My friends had always mentioned that good sex could help heal any heart break. No truer words have been spoken. With my knees still threatening to buckle beneath me, I manage to pull away from him and reach out for the glass of wine that sits on the coffee table, gulping it down in one go.

The liquor burns down my throat, taking with it the ugly memories of Matt as I try to focus on Luke instead. He seems to sense my hesitation as he reaches over and grabs my wrist, pulling me closer.

His expression is serious as he looks into my face. “Are you okay? We could stop if you don’t want to. I know you’re still hurting from-”

“Don’t!” I interrupt him, holding up a finger in warning before heaving a sigh and forcing a smile. “Don’t mention his name. He’s in the past and we’re in the present.”

He grins. “Whatever you say, babe,” he says, pulling me to himself from behind, his erection pressing firmly against my ass. He places soft kisses all across my neck and shoulders, before moving down towards my breasts.

My breathing becomes heavier and I start to lose control, moaning softly. I let my eyes flutter close as I move my hips in tandem with his movements, grinding myself against him as I arch my back, offering him my full support. Sex with Matt had always been too mechanical with not enough foreplay, and this new feeling feels so much better—so much more intimate. Every inch of my skin is burning, every nerve ending alive under the warm touch of his hands and lips.

“I have dreamt about this moment so many times. Played pictures of us together in my head.” He whispers, turning me to face him.

“Well. What do you imagine us doing?”
