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Looking out through the shimmering dome of her craft, Ani wondered about the cryptic message from her friend, inviting her for a fortune reading.

Had Sofringhati seen something without being asked to part the veil of destiny?

That was different from how an oracle's visions usually worked, but sometimes she gleaned information while fulfilling petitioners' requests, and perhaps she had something of value to impart.

As the hovercraft descended, Ani watched the temple attendants assemble on its steps to welcome her. Their ceremonial robes seemed to shimmer in the dying light, and the long semi-sheer veils covering their faces fluttered in the ever-present wind.

As the craft touched down gently on the temple's landing platform, the queen's guard disembarked first, forming two formidable rows to shield her even though there had never been an attempt on her life. But then, perhaps no one had ever dared because of the diligence of her personal guard and the rumors of their ferocity.

Once the guards were in place, half of her attendants disembarked ahead of her, and as she descended the steps, the other half trailed behind her. The pomp and ceremony were one of the many costs of queenly life, one that Ani was so used to that she hardly noticed it anymore.

The vast doors of the temple opened silently, revealing the antechamber to the inner sanctum where the Supreme awaited and where Ani could enjoy an hour or two of privacy with her old friend without anyone watching every move and every expression she made.

As she traversed the courtyard, the weight of countless decisions, hopes and fears pressed in on her, but in the presence of the Supreme, she would not only find insight into the tapestry of fate, but also the respite of friendship with no strings attached.

The temple of the Supreme Oracle was an architectural marvel, a testament to the grandeur of Anumati's ancient civilization. As Ani stepped inside, she lifted her eyes to the grand vaulted ceiling soaring above. It seemed to touch the heavens, with the intricate carvings of stars and planets symbolizing the Supreme's connection to the universe.

Each colossal column had been carved from a single block of luminescent alludium and etched with spiral scripts running their lengths. The scripts represented pivotal prophecies given by one Supreme Oracle or another, and thousands of them had been collected since the temple had been erected.

The torchlight cast shifting shadows on the columns, making the spirals seem alive, moving, writhing, their words changing with the passing epochs, but it was an illusion.

The scripts never changed; only their interpretations did.

Lowering her gaze to the mosaic floor of azure and gold tiles that were arranged in patterns mirroring constellations in Anumati's night sky, Ani took a moment to appreciate the workmanship before lifting her eyes toward the back of the chamber where the Oracle sat on her throne-like chair.

Elevated by three steps, the podium was made of delludim, the dark light-absorbing stone contrasting starkly with the alludium columns. Upon it sat the Oracle, and behind her hung an enormous tapestry depicting the Tree of Life, its branches and roots intertwined with symbols of past, present, and future.

On either side of the podium, large bronze braziers burned, filled with fragrant herbs. The scent permeated the chamber, a mix of aromatic herbs inducing a sense of calm and reverence and a bit of something else that most petitioners were not aware of.

The Supreme possessed an incredible power—the ability to peer into past and future and even pierce the veil between worlds, but she had some tricks up her sleeve to make the experience even more epic for the petitioners and increase the level of their contributions.

Her other trick was the complete privacy of the grand chamber.

No modern technology was allowed, not even electricity, and the walls, made of smooth gray stone, absorbed sound.

Ani's entourage, a mix of guards, advisors, and ladies-in-waiting, followed in precise formation, their movements practiced and synchronized.

The Oracle, draped in deep indigo robes, met Ani's gaze with an inscrutable expression. Until they were alone in the chamber, they had to follow protocol and ceremonial formalities.

It was a dance the Oracle and the queen had performed countless times.

Respectful words of greeting were exchanged while the attendants watched with bated breath, always vigilant, always trying to catch hidden meanings.

Ani knew that her husband had spies among them, and she knew precisely who they were, but she pretended that she did not.

Then, as the last formalities and rituals were concluded, a silent signal from Ani sent the attendants retreating to the edges of the chamber and out its doors.

Once the vast doors closed with a soft thud, leaving the two most powerful women on Anumati alone in the heart of the temple, the air between them grew charged.

The Oracle's stern demeanor softened, and Ani's shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.

They approached each other, not as monarch and seer, but as old friends.

"Ani," Sofri whispered as she pulled her into her arms. "Oh, Ani."

"What is it?" Ani leaned away and looked astonished at her friend's tear-stricken face.

"I have good news."

As they pulled apart, Sofringhati's eyes communicated layers of emotions without words.

"Why are you crying?" Ani asked.

Sofri took her hand and led her to a stack of cushions. "My heart is overflowing with emotion," she said, her eyes glistening as she brushed away a tear with the edge of her robe. "There are revelations that change the course of destinies. Brace yourself, Ani, for what I am about to tell you is this. Your son had a daughter, and she is alive and well on Earth."
