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I turn to Mara and Austin in a fit of rage. “And you actually believe this? Book burning and book banning, essentially? Keeping people from reading? That’s what you believe in. When the world has actual problems.”

“This is an actual problem, Lena. A very large one. I know it’s hard to understand right now because the concept is new, but I swear to you, it’s true,” Vanessa says before they can answer. “Reading these kinds of books puts a darkness inside of you that’s almost impossible to erase. But you can erase it, just like we have. You can join us. Help us.”

“But they’re book influencers, too.” I wave a hand in their direction.

“They do what they have to do, what we’ve asked them to do, in order to help us find people like you. People who need saving. People who need to understand the harm they’re causing to themselves and others. And then, when the time is right, they—like other righteous believers before them—will bring them to us so that we may begin our work toward healing them. You are our first group that Mara and Austin have brought to us. You’re very, very special to them.”


“Well, I’m in,” Memphis says out of nowhere.

“What?” I whip my head around to look at him.

He chews his bottom lip, nodding his head. “I mean, it makes total sense, honestly. Yeah. I’m in. I get it. Love it. Sign me up.” He claps his hands together and goes to stand from the chair, but Nathaniel is up in a second, stopping him.

“I need to look into your eyes to see the truth.” He bends down to Memphis’s level, staring into his eyes for a long time. Their noses are just inches apart. Finally, abruptly, he turns away. “You’re not a believer.”

He points at Mara. “He cannot be one of us.”

“Mara, no!” I cry.

She looks at the man with fear. “I—”

“He has to go, Mara,” he orders. “Now.”

She lifts the gun slowly, shaking her head. “I…um…”

“This is how you prove your loyalty to the cause, Mara,” Vanessa says, standing up, her voice soft. “You said you could do it. You said you were ready. You promised me.”

“Mara, please don’t,” I beg. “Please. We’re your friends. You can’t do this. Please. The police will be here any minute.” As soon as I say it, I realize it’s true. Memphis already called them. “They’ll be here, Mara. They’re on their way. You haven’t done anything wrong yet. You have the gun. You can stop this. You can say no and save us.”

“The police aren’t coming,” Nathaniel says dismissively.


“Yes. They are.” I snap my head to look at him. “We called them.”

“And they won’t come because I’ve asked them not to. Otis and Ivan are good boys. They understand the cause and don’t stand in my way. No one in this town does. This town believes in what we do.” He folds his arms across his chest. “And those who don’t…will soon.”

“Speaking of,” Austin says, stepping closer and lowering his voice. “Hank and Roberta almost blew our cover the first day at the market. They saw the books in Lena’s bag and nearly started talking about the cause to her. I mentioned it to Memphis, and he stopped them without knowing what was really happening, but I, you know, just thought you should know.”

Nathaniel smiles at him warmly, dismissing him with a wave of his hand. “I’ll talk with them.”

“So, what? You’re taking over this town and trying to ban books and kidnap people to become part of your cul—er, cause?” Memphis demands, his upper lip curled.

“We have taken over this town, yes,” Nathaniel says, “because this town was ready. The people here were ready. Soon, the world will be ready. Book bans, as you like to call them, are just the first step. The cause is great, and we are spread out all around the world, not just here. Soon, we will have done away with all books that don’t align with the cause. All books with vile things in them. Only then can mankind heal.”

“Mara, please,” Vanessa says. “We need to move on. You’ve been so brave to bring them here, but they are not believers. Kill him, and we’ll keep trying with her. You know some just take more coaxing than others.”

“Mara,” I beg, shaking my head. I move to stand in front of Memphis. “If you kill him, you’ll have to kill me.”

Fat tears fill her eyes as she stares at me. “Don’t make me do this, Lena. Please. I have to do what he says.”

Memphis holds on to my waist, his lips pressing into my hair. For a second, I think he’s on board with the plan.

Then, I feel him kiss the top of my head. “Run.”

