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“Who was that?” he asks nonchalantly while popping a Jolly Rancher in his mouth from the candy dish on the coffee table. I’m a little taken aback by the bravery of his question. I like that he wants to know who is texting me. I bet he isn’t used to that type of curiosity. Waiting a few seconds to respond, he clears his throat. “My bad, you don't have to tell me. It's none of my business.”

Half of me wants to sayyou're right, it isn’t your business,but the other half of my stupid brain wants to reassure him it’s no one and they mean nothing. A thought pops into my head and it’s from the little red devil on my shoulder. She whispers for me to push his buttons a little.Make him sweat,she says. So, I do.

“No, it’s cool. It was X.” My eyes move to his face faster than lightning strikes to catch his reaction. Right at that second, my phone pings again. I don't really care what it says. The only thing on my mind is how bothered Kohen looks right now and it's turning me the fuck on. I see the hints of jealousy and I wonder how possessive he is of his women, how possessive he would be with me. I rub my thighs together, the friction teasing the parts of me I wish Kohen was touching right now.

“You gonna answer that?” he asks, the annoyance clear in his tone. It didn’t sound like a question but more like a dare.

“And if I do?” I say, challenging him.

“Do it and find out,” he challenges back.

So, I do.

X: I’m going to tell Kohen I want to ask you out. I know he likes you and I want to make sure he knows that I want to date you.

I panic. I don’t want X to tell Kohen anything. There are no plans to date him. He is going to ruin this. But also, why does he have to be so damn nice?

I take my time to answer, even though I’m not actually typing anything. Kohen's stare has been fixed on me since I unlocked my phone, and I can feel it burning into me. I have a feeling he is not going to like X trying to stake this claim. This infamous rivalry I have heard so much about is going to come into play sooner than I thought. This is what I wanted, right?

I look back up at him wondering if he already knows it's X. What if they are playing me? If I’m being honest with myself at this moment, I am intimidated. It's the way he is looking at me, leaning back on my mediocre sofa, like he's a king on his throne and I’m just a peasant- the woman at the well unworthy of his admiration. I shake the negative thoughts away and realign my body to face him.

“It was Xzavien.”

I sit here, nervous in anticipation of what he has to say. He looks serious and mad but in an eerily calm way. We don't really know each other so I’m not sure what to expect but I’m waiting. I have a feeling we are in the same boat. We’re used to being chased and not chasing anybody.

“I told you to answer it if you wanted to find out. Does that mean you like being punished, Angel?”

There's that name again. Biting my lip, I respond with a slow nod.

“So do you talk to X often?”

“I wouldn’t say often, but he texted me after we ran into each other. But I don't initiate. I only respond.” I don't know why I said that last part. “I honestly haven’t thought about him since the party.”

“Forgot about him, huh?” His muscles flex under his t-shirt, the ones in his arms moving like a wave as he pushes himself to sit at the edge of the couch cushion. “Do you make it a habit of getting drunk and forgetting people?” A look of disgust rests on his face.

What the fuck? Is he serious? “Wow! That's fucking rude, Kohen. You don't even know me.” Tears well up in my eyes and I blink them away rapidly.

He scoffs. “It feels like I know enough.”

“Well, you don't. You actually have no fucking idea. That party was the first party I have been to since my junior year of high school, thank you very much. I hadn’t let loose like that in years, you asshole."

“Yeah. By the way you were acting, I doubt that."

I am so fucking furious! How dare he judge me like that. “I shouldn’t have to fucking explain myself to you, but FYI, Kohen, I haven't let loose like that since I lost my best friend. She died at a house party two years ago in her sleep!"

“I thought Cora was your best friend?”

“She is, asshole. This was our third best friend, Cecille. We don't really talk about it but seeing as you think you know me so damn well. I had so much anxiety at your party since you weren’t there. It triggered me. It’s a huge part of the reason I don't like you. You weren’t there and you are responsible for the people in your home. It's irresponsible. If someone had paid attention or been there, she might be here today, starting our freshman year of college together, being reckless. But she’s gone.”

Warm tears run down my cheeks, and he kneels in front of me. Much to my surprise, he wipes the tears from my face with his thumbs. His hands feel rough on my soft skin, calloused. I don't mind it, though. It just means he works hard at what he loves. This is unexpected. Sorrow is written all over his face as he looks at me.

“I’m sorry, Angel. You are right. I didn’t know, I…”

My eyes meet his when I look up at him. He stares straight into my eyes, into the deep dark corners of my soul. It warms me like the sun warms the earth on a cool, gloomy day.

“I just…I don't know how to be around you. I barely know you and you make me crazy. You've taken over my thoughts since the moment I met you. You make me weak, Alex and I’m not a weak guy. I don't like it.” His fingers grace my cheek as he moves the hair on my face and tucks it behind my ear. “I’m sorry," he whispers.

“I’m sorry, too,” I say, matching his tone.
