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“This isn’t a date, X. I told you we are…”

e cuts me off, “Just friends, I know. But if I can be honest with you, I think you’re just scared. Scared that you might find something real with me.”

Who the fuck does this guy think he is? I’m not scared. I’ll admit I’m a little scared of Kohen. “Xzavien, trust me. Take my word for what it is. The truth is, I wouldn’t lead you on that way.”

“Alright, alright, let’s just go have some fun. Either way, I’m proud to be the man that has you on his arm.”

“I’m not a prized hog.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant you will be the most beautiful girl there.”

Just then, Cora comes down the stairs like a bat out of hell. “Can I ride with you guys? Don’t ask, Alex. Please, I’m already upset.”

“I won’t ask, but it isn’t up to me. It’s up to X.”

“Of course, any friend of Alex is a friend of mine.”

I want to scream. I don’t know why he is making me so frustrated, but he is. I know I should be excited but if I’m being honest, I just want to see Kohen.

I want to see his face the moment he spots me, and his jaw drops to the floor.

It’s a short ride to his huge three-story brick house, it’s so luxurious with black brick and white pillars that adorn the front of the entryway. The driveway is lined with lights that seem to be placed inside of the cement. I have never seen anything like it and don’t remember any of this from the last time I was here. The flowers and shrubs are pristine. I don’t fit in here. Butterflies begin to flutter, causing a riot inside me.

X pulls into the drop-off zone and assures me he will be back. As soon as he drives off, I let out a sigh and Cora looks at me like I’m being rude.


“Be nice, Alex.”

“I am being nice.”


“Does Edward know you are here? Where is he?”

“Yes, I texted him when we pulled up,” she says, a hint of bitterness lining her tone. I wonder what he did now.

“Okay, is he coming out to walk you in?”

“No, and I don’t need him to.”

“Don’t get smart with me. You’re right- you don’t need him. You have me and I’m sure X is okay with walking us both. He’ll love it.”

We giggle, locking arms. She smiles but I know it bothers her that Edward doesn’t take the initiative to do the little things. He is all about showing off and being extravagant, but he always has a motive. He is a little older so being young isn’t an excuse anymore. He’s a senior, he is supposed to be a man and a man should know how to cater to his woman no matter how strong, beautiful, and independent she is.

X is walking up to us right on time and he smiles. He looks so handsome, and every time I take a second to really look at him, I’m reminded of why I was so attracted to him the first time I met him. He has a simple yet sexy style, different from most of the guys he surrounds himself with. It’s like he doesn’t have to try as hard as them. He is wearing a black button-up long-sleeve shirt rolled up to the elbow, with black jeans and gray Air Max’s. I try not to stare because I don’t want him to think I’m checking him out as anything more than a friend.

Xzavien extends his hand to me and I grab it, hesitating. I am overthinking every single action now, hoping that he doesn’t read into anything. He extends his other hand to Cora, and I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. His gaze rakes up and down my body and he makes direct eye contact with me. I look at Cora and she looks away when our eyes meet.

“You look gorgeous, Alex.” A blush rushes over his cheeks. “And so do you, Cora.”

“Why thank you. X is such a gentleman. Right, Alex?”

“Yes, thank you.” I tuck a curl behind my ear and hope to God I’m not blushing, because it wouldn’t be for the reason he thinks it is. He needs to know there is no hope for him here. I’m here as his friend, better yet I’m here for Kohen.

We start up the walkway to the door which proves to be difficult since it’s made of tons of gray river rock, and these heels are a little too chunky for this. The one thing I do know is Xzavien would never let me fall, so I feel safe in his grip. He has a firm hold on me and I know I can trust him to keep me steady. He truly is a great guy and I know he could easily become my best friend.

Arms intertwined, we walk into the party. Instead of pulling my arm away like I want to, I force myself to keep it there. Part of me wants Kohen to see me and X together, to eat his fucking heart out knowing he ghosted me, but the other part of me doesn’t want to be seen, doesn’t want to be here at all, doesn’t want Kohen to see me on someone else’s arm… Stupid brain.
