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But damn do I want him to. I know it’s immature and I don’t give a single fuck. If looks could kill, I’m sure I would be dead, because I lean into X like I want this. Kohen is shooting daggers at me. I can feel the intensity of his stare on my skin and everywhere he looks sends sparks of electricity through me. He breaks the small moment of silence.

“Wait, you and Alex? When did that become a thing? I thought you were dating someone?”

Dating someone? What the fuck? If X is dating someone, how has he had so much time to pursue my ass? My eyes grow wide, unless it’s me he thinks he is dating. Fuck!

“Nah, man. I’m not dating anyone. Alex and I are just friends, but I wish she would be mine,” he says, staring down at me from his 6’2” standpoint with that beautiful smile of his. It makes me feel small. I smile back to be polite but deep down I’m sick to my stomach. I can’t believe he just said that in front of everyone. Worse than that- to Kohen. I want to disappear.

“Well, that’s crazy. I could have sworn I heard you were seeing someone.”

“Nah, like I…”

Kohen cuts him off mid-sentence making eye contact with me directly. “Not you, X. I’m talking about Alex. Aren’t you seeing someone?”

He knows damn well we haven’t made anything official and that we haven’t talked since he left me on the couch, wanting to be fucked.

“I’m not. I haven’t dated anyone in years. I was trying to get into something with this one guy, but he ended up being a flake. We kissed and he got scared and ran away,” I deadpan, looking straight back into his eyes, not backing down. All the nerves were now gone from my body and replaced with my signature bitch attitude. If he wants to play, we can play.

“Even better for me,” X jokes, and we laugh. I like that he isn’t afraid or intimidated by Kohen.

Cora hasn’t said a word and I wish she would give her Miss Perfect two cents right about now. I wonder if something is wrong.

“Cora, is Edward coming?” I ask, hoping she will get the hint that I need her right now. I need her to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong so I’m not in the middle of this awkward conversation. So, I’m not in the middle of these two boys who seem to be fighting over whose turn it is to play with the broken doll.

“Alex, do you want to dance?” Kohen really has the audacity to not only interrupt everyone talking but to also ask me while his best friend’s arm is around my waist. He’s brave, especially because X just said he is interested in me as more than friends and that we are here together. I’m such a stupid girl because I want to say yes right now, but I won’t. I can’t. I refuse to give him the satisfaction.

“No. I’m good,” I respond flatly. “Cora? Edward?” I repeat to my best friend who seems to be in some sort of trance.

“Yes, he is coming over here now. He was playing beer pong.” Her phone rings and she has a hushed conversation and then hangs up. “Actually, I’m going to go meet him upstairs.” This makes me anxious, but she seems excited, so I let it go. I’m only glad the asshole didn’t fully flake on her.

I take a moment while everyone is distracted saying bye to Cora and look at Kohen. He is wearing a black Armani sweater that is fitted to his body frame with tan Armani joggers that fit exactly right. He looks delicious, the perfect mix of casual and dapper. My favorite part is the pristine shoes on his feet- classic white high-top Nikes that have touches of black and tan that match the colors of his outfit perfectly. My mouth waters and I fucking hate it. I hate him. I hate the way he fucking makes me feel things I don’t want to feel and I don’t even fucking know him.

He catches me staring. I look away, asking Cora if she wants me to walk her. She doesn’t, so I let her go. If she needed me, I trust that she would let me know.

“Have fun, Bubbles.”

She smiles big and that’s all the reassurance I need. I kiss her on the cheek and watch her float out of the room. The next time I see her, she will be a changed woman.

“Hey, X. Do you want to dance?”

“Yes,” he responds immediately and with no hesitation, so I grab his hand and lead him onto the dance floor, leaving Kohen all alone. Just like he left me after our kiss.

The dance floor is buzzing with life, bodies are moving to the rhythm of the beat and the vibe is immaculate. Dancing is so freeing. You can let go, let go of the past, let go of who hurt you, and just connect to the music. I love it. I always wanted to major in dance, but my mom said I was too chubby. I joined in high school, but the voice of doubt ate away at me. She placed that voice there and it’s loud.

As soon as we reach the middle of the dance floor where all the life is, X grabs my waist, leading me into his body. He starts to move to the music and I’m shocked. He knows how to dance. I can’t contain my excitement. The smile on my face is so huge that I can feel it. I love when a guy knows how to dance. It’s the biggest turn on. If he can move his body on the dance floor, he can move it in the bed. I don’t know if that’s true but I heard it once and I’ll always remember it.

I don’t even know what song is on, all I know is I feel the vibrations enter my ears and flow through my body like the blood flows through my veins. My body follows his and I let everything go. Nothing matters here. I can dance to anything and if X keeps this up, I think I found my dance partner. Finding a dance partner is like finding a soulmate.

The song transitions to an old nineties jam I remember my neighbor teaching me, called “This is How We Do It.” Expecting X to walk us off the dance floor since it’s a group dance, he surprises me again. He grabs my hand, and we line up with everyone. Before we know it, we are sweaty and panting while we laugh hard. This feels so good, natural, and easy. The bass pounds against the walls and the energy surges throughout the entire house. It’s a powerful feeling. This is probably why so many dance partners end up in intimate relationships. Dancing is sensual and intimate and when you share it with someone, it connects you.

Dances like this are my favorite. I turn to look at X and my stomach drops. This is a new side of him I didn’t expect to see. I like it but guilt hits me at the same time. I slow down and X must notice because he grabs me, turns me, and starts to put a twist of his own on this shit, pulling me back into the moment. I love this. X is so fun. I forget about Kohen for a minute, just living in this moment, until I catch a glimpse of him on a turn. His back is to me, and a thin bleach-blonde slut is rubbing his arm while she talks to him. His face is hidden, so I don’t know how he is reacting. Is he smiling? Annoyed? I look down at her feet and see her black flats. What a basic bitch.

Surges of jealousy run through me, mixed with adrenaline and alcohol. I’m riding a high, and in this situation, it isn’t a good thing. I can’t show him that jealousy, though. The song ends and it fades into a slower country song. I recognize the song “I Don’t Dance” by Lee Brice. I wrap my arms around Xzavien’s neck and tell him to lead.

“A real man always leads,” he whispers, a little smirk playing on his lips. He spins me around and my arm brushes his lower back as I make my way back around his body. He really is such a good dancer. I glance back at the space where Kohen just was and see he is gone. X spins me again as the song ends and I giggle.

“What’s so funny, gorgeous?”

“I don’t know. I just didn’t know you could dance. I like it. I’m having a good time.”
