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The hostess flirts with him and he doesn’t even pay attention to her. I love it. Also, something I’ll have to get used to. Even though he isn’t paying any attention to her, I want to knock her the fuck out for trying while she clearly sees we are together. She seats us and when she walks away, she places her hand on his arm and I pretend not to notice.

“Let me know if you need anything, anything at all.”

Desperate much? I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he removes her hand from his shoulder a little aggressively.

“Don’t touch me again. Don’t pretend like you can’t see my girlfriend sitting right next to me. That is very disrespectful. Now walk away before I call your manager over and report you.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I was just being kind.”

“No, you were being a thirsty slut. Now go.”

My jaw must be on the floor because he stares at me like I have two heads.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t believe you just did that.”

“She was disrespecting you and I don’t play that shit.”

“I’ve just never experienced anything like that before. Every guy I have been with ALWAYS hits on the waitress.”

“Not this one. Even if we were just here as friends, she wouldn’t know that, so I’m not about to entertain it.”

He picks up his menu, not giving it another thought, and my stomach drops. Suddenly it doesn’t feel as special, he said he would do it even if he was here with someone as friends. That’s fine. It’s stupid that I thought I was a little bit special.

Picking up my menu to hide the disappointment on my face, I skim, not really able to focus. I look around the restaurant at the decor that’s placed all over the walls. There are vintage signs and art everywhere. There are statues of the Blues Brothers dancing on one of the half walls, and I remember watching that with Cora and her brother because we didn’t have a tv. I look back at the menu, but I feel too overwhelmed to choose, so I stare at the ceiling where there is a huge box car hanging next to a canoe and some tires. What the hell would happen if those fell? Damn intrusive thoughts, it’s all I can imagine now. Thanks, brain.

The waitress comes up and asks if we are ready to order. I have no idea where I mentally went for the last however many minutes.

“Do you know what you want, Angel?”

“No, sorry, can we have some more time?”

“Yes, of course. Take your time. I’ll be back in about ten minutes to check on y’all again,” she smiles at me and at Kohen and walks away.

“What’s the matter, babe?”

“Nothing. I’m just in my own head.”

“I can tell.”

“How can you tell? You barely know me.”

“I know enough. Besides, I can feel your energy. It’s been off since I told the hostess to fuck off. Did you think that was rude?”

“No, nothing like that. I guess I just couldn’t focus.”

“Well here- let’s make it a game.”

“A game? How?”

“What's your favorite drink?”

“Root beer.”

“Favorite food?’

“I can’t pick- there’s too many.” I reach for the menu to see again, and he raises it out of my reach. “Kohen, give it.”
