Page 117 of The Senator

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“Has someone died?” He smirks. “For fuck’s sake, O…”

“No. Well, your skills, maybe.”

I jerk my head back. “What?”

“You’ve been an absolute shit senator the past few weeks.”

I throw my arms up. “Well, I’m not a senator, I’m a spy.” I whisper.

“Been a shit one of those too.” I stop walking. He turns to me. “You’re a mess, Marco.”

My chest does that thing. When he says my real name. Just like when I see Ellie standing in a ray of sunlight.

“Have I dropped the ball on something?” I step towards him.

“All the fucking balls.” He says, but doesn’t sound necessarily angry. Or disappointed. He starts walking again. “You’re missing check-ins, sending files without encryption, saying things likeI’m a spyout loud.”


“Yes. Total, utter shit.” He smiles at his own little joke. “I’m about to green light the operation on Delgado’s warehouses.”

“Good, let’s go. Finally.”

“But I need you back in the game, not pining for your wife’s image in the rectangle starting to meld with the skin of your hand.” I gulp, embarrassed as he looks back toward my house. “How is she?”

“Fine,” I huff. Defensive for no reason. He looks at me. “Not fine. I don’t know. She’s avoiding me.” He doesn’t respond. It’s a tactic to make me keep sharing. But I’m aware of said tactic so it doesn’t work.

He finally speaks. “We didn’t have to marry you intola familia.”


“We had a couple other options. And by all accounts now, they may have been better options.” He’s saying this so casually, as if bombs aren’t exploding in my cranium.

“What the fuck, O?”

He stops and turns around, heading back to the house.

“You needed it. You were dying.” He stops and turns. He taps his chest. “Inside. You were losing yourself. And we were losing you.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am. With every bullshit smile and handshake and wave to the cameras, you got a little more bitter. A little less human. More mission than man.”

I take care not to raise my voice. “That’s what you wanted, that’s what we needed.”

“No.” He gets into my face, stunning me. “We need Marco Guido. First. Always. Forever. Before the day is clear or the night is dark, do you understand me?” I manage to nod. “And I was losing him to the abyss.” He starts walking again, faster.

“I know it well, because I was also saved. But plotting doesn’t save you. Scheming, planning, going on missions. They don’t save you. Only one thing saves.” He stops. We’re in front of my long driveway. He looks to the house and back to me. “Love.”

“Seriously? Love? You broke cover and traveled thousands of miles to tell me some fairytale bullshit?”

“Watch it now. What I have with my wife, is that bullshit?”

I cower. It’s amazing what they have. It’s real and incredible. But it’s extremely rare. Their story is insane and nothing in the world comes anywhere close to it. Their love is unmatched.


“No.” He agrees. “And is the love of that girl in there, is it bullshit?”
