Page 123 of The Senator

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They wouldn’t know about the robe thing. I have got to try to sleep more. Clearly, I’m losing it.

I go through my routine and get in bed. And lay there. I toss and turn with questions. I smile with glee, then chastise myself for daring to hope again. So maybe Mark misses me. I made his life pretty awesome.

Does he missmeor just miss the things that I did for him?

I can’t figure it out, but for the first time in weeks, I don’t cry myself to sleep.


I pad down to the kitchen the next morning. In my normal robe. No one is home and I’m not wearing that other thing. On the counter, there’s a brand new, sparkly red commercial-sized standing mixer. I squeal. These things are crazily over-priced. But the squeal is really for the note.


We had a three year old mixer that was teal?! Absolutely not. If you like this one, we can get an even bigger option for the bakery.

Have a great day,

Your Husband


I laugh again. I eye the mixer, dreaming up what I’m going to make today. Then I have a thought. I get out my phone.

Eleanna: If you’ve been missing my croissants you could’ve just said so

Mark: I’ve been missing your croissants.

I roll my eyes. Then I feel badly about texting him at all, which he asked me not to do. Then I get a little angry that texting him is a capital offense. But another message comes through.

Mark: Croissants is code, right?

Don’t do it. Don’t flirt. You’re going to get burned. He’s going to bark at you...

Eleanna: Code for what?

I brace myself for disappointment but his reply is instant.

Mark: Your pussy, your perfect tits, that juicy ass and those fucking legs.

Mark: Your kaleidoscope eyes

Mark: Your laugh

Mark: You.

I let out a snort, squeak, sigh type of noise that I’m not sure I could ever replicate. My heart is now a marching band drumline crashing through my chest. And my face is purple. I have no idea what to say, so I say nothing. Instead I go to my tried-and-true method of dealing with stress.

I bake.

Hours pass. In between batches of croissants and desserts, I check my phone. Mark just texted an hour ago.

Mark: Have you stopped blushing yet?

Mark: Go to my study

I do not go. I sprint. Smiling like a kid entering Disney World. I push open the door and I gasp for air.

So many books. Full hardback sets of series I love, plus series I’ve just started. Every single title from my “Save For Later” cart online. Custom editions with painted spines and exclusive covers. Some are collectors editions. Most are signed! On the top of a stack I find the red Post-it.
