Page 48 of The Senator

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He shrugs a shoulder, “Sounds like she knows you about as well as I do.”

“Pf, shut the hell up. She’s just trying to seduce me into a lifelong partnership. Which, by the way, did you get confirmation about that? Our last conversation was unclear.”

“Yes, he agreed to an eventual divorce.”

“Thank fuck!” I am panting now, sweating almost as badly as I was when I was rowing at the speed of light. This is what that damn woman does to me.

“Anyywaaaay,” Robbie says, “Everyone in mycousin’sfamily, here in Austin, is upping their meds, changing their diets.”Additional security and changing routines.

“That makes sense.” I say, pausing to gather myself. “Wait, you couldn’t have called about your cousin?”

“I was told to tell you in person.”

“How long are you in town for?”

He pulls on the back of his neck. “I hope not very long.”

“Want a beer?” I say, knowing he wants nothing less. He wants out of here and back on a plane to his bunker. Badly.

“Nope. Just in town to get some meds of my own, then I’m going home.”Upping our own security.

“Alright. Well, uh, stay healthy.”

“You too.”

I walk him out, having to face my house that is now, well, homey.Ugh.

“Bye, Eleanna!” Robbie calls out just to make me angrier.

“Ellie, please,” she says breezing in from the direction of the kitchen, “Is everything alright?”

“He’s fine, just here visiting a sick relative.”

“Another one! Wow, I’m so sorry for everything your family is going through lately.” Her face is so genuine as she says it, I almost feel sorry for the charade. She takes another step towards Robbie. “You sure you can’t stay? There’s leftoveralbondigasI was just going to heat up for Mark.”

“No, but thank you.” He smiles warmly at her in that endearing little brother way of his that pisses me off. Then he slips out into the night and I close the door behind him. I lean against my hand on the cool surface, as a new wave of angry heat runs down my spine. I can feel her watching me, looking at my scars, no doubt. I turn to look, but she quickly twists away, as if she wasn’t staring.

My anger grows as I watch her walk off, in what I am assuming is a dance workout outfit, but could also be called every damn man’s wet dream. The top is basically a sports bra, the tight shorts things are basically underwear, and then whatever the hell leg warmer socks she has con over up her legs, but somehow make her more sexy. All in a light pink color reminding me just how young and inexperienced she is.

I know she said she’s not a virgin, but I can guarantee she hasn’t been with many boys and never with an actual man. With someone who’d know how to touch her until she’s writhing, screaming, ripping the fabric of her little outfit right off her own body. All of which isjustwhat I need to be thinking about. Just exactly what my hand and I need, another image to use in the shower, jacking off like a twelve-year-old who’s just discovered his dick.

My best friend arrives to tell me I’m in grave danger and I’m daydreaming about fucking my wife. Enough!

I rush after her.

“Enough of this, Eleanna.”

“What?” She turns to look at me from the stove, feigning innocence. What’s left of my resistance and self-control snaps. I stalk up to her, caging her in. I can feel her chest barely brush against me as she breathes.Focus.

“Enough of all of it. Cooking for me, redecorating, changing my clothes, dressing like a fucking fantasy, it won’t work.”

“What are you—“

“Don’t!” I grip the countertop on either side of her to avoid gripping something else, namely her delicate little neck or maybe her fleshy hip bone. “Quit trying to manipulate me.”

“Have you ever considered I am just being kind, doing nice things for someone I care about?”

“You don’t even know me!”
