Page 128 of The Right Sign

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His eyes catch on Mosely who’s been waiting at a table farther out. A bodyguard has been standing watch at the door since we walked in.

“I should too,” Dare signs. “Before Mosely has a heart attack.”

I notice Dare’s assistant gesturing wildly. A panicked sheen brightens his eyes. His forehead is ridged with two extra wrinkles. Something must have happened at Dare’s company.

Rising stiffly, I give Dare a head nod and walk toward the exits. It’s a cold way to leave and I know I should probably be more friendly, but I don’t have it in me to get too close to him. The one thing I’ve learned is… give Dare Sullivan an inch and he’ll take a mile.

I’m thankful when he lets me leave without protest.

But I guess he doesn’t need to protest at all.

A billionaire’s arm stretches far, and José is right downstairs in front of a shiny black car that looks like it rolled off the lot two seconds ago.

“You were waiting for me?” I sign with a defeated sigh.

He nods.

Rather than argue, I get into the car. José is nice and I don’t want him to lose his job over my stubbornness.

My back melts into leather seats.


That’s a new car smell.

My watch buzzes again, warning me of an incoming call. I should really take Sazuki’s advice and program an automatic ‘text me please’ message when people try to call this number. It’s frustrating to have to guess what the caller could want.

I wait until the phone stops vibrating to respond.

Yaya: I saw your missed call. Gentle reminder to send a text or an email for all future communications.

Cameron Modeling Agency Rep:

I scrunch my nose and stare suspiciously at the link. My mama taught me not to go around clicking random links on the internet.

Cameron Modeling Agency Rep: did you accept brand deals from Ru-Carpsel?

My fingers tighten on the phone.

Yaya: Of course not.

Ru-Carpsel is a greedy fast fashion brand that uses harmful chemicals in their products. They also make sub-par mass-produced clothing. Not only that, but there are rumors that they employ atrocious child labor practices and basically run sweat shops in vulnerable communities.

Cameron Modeling Agency Rep: This is bad, Yaya. You’ve been outed as a Ru-Carpsel brand ambassador. All the new clients that were interested in signing you are backing out. People are raising a stink. The agency is thinking of dropping you altogether.

What? Dropping me?

I clawed my way into this agency. It took years of one-time contracts and going over and beyond at base-level modeling jobs before I was considered a represented model.

I even moved halfway across the country to have a shot at a better agency since the one in our city didn’t believe in me.

And they’re going to throw it all away?

Over what? I haven’t done anything wrong!

Cameron Modeling Agency Rep: did you check the link?

I abandon my thoughts that are quickly spiraling and press the link. The headline sends my heart into a panic.
