Page 139 of The Right Sign

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I tilt my head to the side. “Huh, I don’t know.”

Some impressive cars are parked out front and, as a car buff myself, I know for a fact that those vehicles, collectively, could purchase a small island nation. Bodyguards are stationed around the lawn, looking tough and alert.

Music is pumping loud enough to shatter glass and the car mat trembles beneath my feet as it absorbs the sound.

The front door is slightly open and I can see a figure dancing enthusiastically. Someone else joins the dance. This one is shorter and wearing a flouncy pink tutu that flaps like bird’s wings every time she jumps.

It looks like a party, but not any kind of party that I’m used to.

“Uncle Dare, mom says I’m not old enough to go clubbing,” Talia squeaks.

“This isn’t a club,” I say, climbing out of the car. “I don’t think.”

Mosely joins us on the sidewalk. So does my bodyguard who’d been following from behind.

“Dare, are you sure this isn’t a trap? Maybe Yaya’s phone was hacked.”

The thought crossed my mind, but it’s not like I can call and demand to hear Yaya’s voice so I can confirm.

My eyes sweep the lawn.

“I recognize that BMW.” I point to the vehicle gleaming in the late evening sunlight. “Only one person in this town would drive that.”

Max Stinton, head of the Stinton empire. His company has a luxury vehicle division. I took a tour when I came to town.

“Even so, you should probably let us go in with you.” He motions to himself and the guard.

I debate it when a familiar face appears in the doorway.

Dejonae gives me a tight nod.

When she waves me forward, I tell Mosely, “You two can go. I’ll drive us back.”

“But sir, the Ru-Carpsel crisis hasn’t been resolved—”

“And it won’t be resolved in a night.” I set a hand on his shoulder. “You and I both know we have a long road ahead of us. We won’t have a second to breathe once the sun rises and the chaos may never end. So let me have tonight.”

He blinks slowly.

My bodyguard gives me a questioning look, as if he also disagrees with my decision.

“We’ll be fine.” I shoo him away. There’s enough security here to make me comfortable. Plus if Clay Bolton is inside—and I have a feeling he is—we have more than enough protection.

Mosely reluctantly drives off with my bodyguard while I approach Dejonae. It doesn’t hit me how short she is until she’s standing next to Talia. Huh. Yaya’s sister seemed much bigger in my memory. Like a stick of dynamite, she packs a punch in a small package.

“Hi,” I climb the stairs and yell to be heard over the thumping bass, “Yaya sent me a text—”

“I was the one who sent the text,” Dejonae says abruptly.

My eyebrow twitches.

Before I can ask why she summoned me, Talia starts to fuss.

“Uncle Dare!” she presses her hands to her ears. “The music’s too loud. Can’t you tell them to turn it down?”

“Here.” Dejonae pushes ear plugs into my hands. “You’ll need these.”

I lift the case and hear the distinct rattle. “What are these for?”
