Page 148 of The Right Sign

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Before this, I was an iceberg. A perfect, giant iceberg that the Titanic movie would have been proud of.

Now I’m melting. And so is the sky.

I don’t know if it’s rain or my own tears that are starting to drip down my face.

Maybe it’s both.

All I know is that the moonlight is gone and so is the last shred of my Dare-immunity.

I sniff. “I don’t know what to...”

“I didn’t do it so you could say anything.”

“Paying for lawyers, rebuilding Ru-Carpsel. You’re going to lose a lot of money. That was such a bad business decision.” I wipe away a wet plop that was definitely the rain.

Dare swipes his thumb gently over my cheek. I think he caught a tear. When he pulls back to sign, the tear is still shimmering on the tip of his finger. “Money is boring. But you, Yaya Williams, you are not.”

The wind picks up speed and I can feel it lashing my hair into my face. I tuck an unruly strand behind my ear as I stare at him. The panic that usually enters my head when this feeling of vulnerability hits is noticeably absent.

I don’t date hearing people.


But when human beings hit rock bottom, they usually do the craziest things. Rob a bank. Join a gang. Betray their best friend by accepting shady brand deals behind their back.

And sometimes, when people hit rock bottom, they sign really stupid contracts with older billionaires who only wear tweed and rock pink, girly watches.

The rain falls harder now.

Dare lifts his arm over my head to act as an umbrella and says something. Not that I could lipread in a storm like this.

I fish in my pocket for my phone and see a bunch of messages from Deej asking if Dare and I have found shelter.

I swipe away from her texts and open my notes app.

Hesitation stalls my fingers.

If I do this…

If I open this door…

Is Dare right? He warned me that he won’t let me go, but what if that no longer feels like a threat?

I’ve never been the type to hesitate when I want something. I’ve never allowed anyone to tell me that I can’t have or do what I wish because I’m deaf.

So why should that stop me now?

I type confidently.

You said you were holding back.

Dare reads the message. His eyes jump from me to the phone and back.

Can you not hold back anymore?

His eyebrows knit as he studies my face.

I spell it out for him.
