Page 194 of The Right Sign

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Her shoulders cave in. “I…” She hesitates, “that time at the coffee shop wasn’t the first time we’d met.”

I squint, trying to understand.

“You did a photoshoot at the Sun-Kissed Towers Mall around last year. I was on the crew working the shoot. My boss was being a total jerk and I was running all over the place. I dropped my clipboard full of prints and you were the only one who stopped to help me pick it up.”

My lips tense because I really don’t remember that.

“It’s okay if you don’t remember,” June signs. “But I never forgot. I looked you up and I’ve been your fan ever since.”

The moment she signs ‘fan’, a lightbulb goes off in my head.

“Junebug84?”I finger spell.

She nods enthusiastically. “That was me! I was so upset when I saw what people were saying about you. You’re so kind and talented. I knew you’d never work with Ru-Carpsel on purpose.”

Henry rolls his eyes.

“What happened between you two?” I point between him and June.

“Someone namedJunebug84came after me online and kept harassing me,” Henry signs. “It was her.”

“I knew the Ru-Carpsel deal had to be your fault.” June turns accusing eyes on him. “You were with her that day of the photoshoot. I saw you giving her those sunglasses.”

She saw?

Another lightbulb.

“June, were you the one following us that day?”

Heat blooms in her cheeks. Fingers hooking around the loop of her jeans, she nods again.

I slump back in massive shock. After the photoshoot, Henry insisted someone was following us. At the time, we thought it was Dare. I even accused him when we were posing for our magazine spread.

I had no idea I had a stalker fan.

“I’m not a stalker,” June signs, as if she can see my thoughts.

“You followed me everywhere without my permission.”

She cringes. “Okay. I may have been stalkinga little. But it was only that day.”

“You said you came here to this café often hoping to see me,” I point out.

“Well, yes.” She tilts her head to the side and signs sheepishly. “But I’m not someone who wants to invade your privacy or anything like that. Apart from following you online, I haven’t done anything else. I swear. I’m just someone rooting for you in the background. Well, rooting for you and Richard Sullivan.”

Something sharp pierces me at the mention of Dare’s name.

“You two are couple goals.” June grins so hard her cheeks might burst.

“I wouldn’t say they’re couple goals,” Henry signs, his eyebrows forming a deep V.

“He bought Ru-Carpsel just to protect her.” June rocks back on her heels. “He sued everyone who was badmouthing her online and got them to take down their comments. Honestly, he’s a bigger stalker fan than I could ever be.”

I swallow and stiffen.

Henry glances at me and probably sees something on my face that he doesn’t like. He clamors to his feet and signs, “You shouldn’t have been following her even for a day. You’re lucky Yaya doesn’t have you arrested.”

Flustered, June blinks at me. “I’m sorry. He’s right. I shouldn’t have done that.”
