Page 198 of The Right Sign

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Lucy gasps.

I let out a disbelieving cough. “Yaya taught you that?”

“Niko did,” my niece says proudly.

“Dare don’t threaten my daughter and you,” Lucy stabs a finger at Talia, “since when did you know sign language?”

Talia shrugs.

Lucy wiggles her pointer finger in my direction. “And what’s this about you and Yaya fighting?”

“We didn’t fight.”

“Yes you did,” Talia taunts. “Uncle Dare’s miserable and now he wants everyone to be miserable!”

“Cut it out,” I sign.

Talia sticks her tongue out at me and uses one of the ‘lazy signs’ Yaya taught her. I don’t recognize it, but her body language tells me everything I need to know.

“Hey,” Lucy snaps her fingers, “use words I can understand.”

Talia slumps in her seat.

I stare frigidly at the window. Night has fallen and the moon is bright in the sky. Stars twinkle overhead. If things had gone to plan, Yaya and I would be heading out on my yacht, enjoying that night view from the lake. I’d have the bass speakers so loud the fish would probably write complaint letters. I’d be pouring her wine and holding her close and kissing her until she couldn’t breathe.

Just thinking about it makes it feel like someone’s cracking each of my ribs individually.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

Lucy’s annoyed expression flickers away, replaced by concern. “Dare, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

My sister grunts and motions to her daughter. “Talia, sweetie. Can you do mommy a favor and watch TV in the other room? And turn the volume up really high, okay?”

“I don’t want to watch TV. I want to play on my tablet.”

“How about I call the kitchen and ask them to make you brownies?”

“They won’t taste like the ones I want.”

“You don’t know that. What if they taste better?”

Talia considers it. Finally, she gives in. “I’ll take that deal.”

“That’s my girl.” Lucy rubs Talia’s head as the little girl passes in front of her and disappears behind a door.

Once we’re alone, my sister does a sharp turn. “Did you and Yaya break up?”

“No.” I recall the way Yaya chose Henry without hesitation. “Maybe? I don’t know.” I run my hands over my face. “It’s complicated.”

My sister scrunches her nose. “You’re not going to start crying, are you?”

“Very funny.”

“Itispretty funny.”

I clamor to my feet and walk wordlessly to the door.
