Page 210 of The Right Sign

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I’m in.

CLARISSA:Everyone take a breath and let’s break this story down in a calm manner.

DEEJ:I see someone is using their degree in social work.

KENYA:Clarissa, I know you’re new, but we don’t do ‘calm’ here.

I read all the messages and look up at my sister.

She rolls her eyes.

CLARISSA:You’re hilarious.

DAWN:I agree with Ris. We should diagnose this situation piece by piece.

SUNNY:Everyone listen to the mechanic. She knows how to solve problems.

“Is it always this chaotic?”

“They’re chaotic in person. Did you think the group chat would be any different?”

I scroll up and see that I havethousandsof messages to catch up on. “How often do you guys talk?”

“It depends. The emergency chat is for emergencies. Obviously. There’s also the meme chat and the childcare chat…”

“Why are there so many groups?”

“Right? I have to mute them half the time or my phone will ring all day.” Deej glances at her phone and then motions to me. “They’re getting serious now. We should tune back in.”

I scroll through all the jokes until I get to the real advice.

CLARISSA:Deej, if I was your friend, I’d have one more conversation with the guy she broke up with.

VANYA:She’s right. It sounds like your friend isn’t settled about the breakup.

DAWN:I agree. You shouldn’t ignore the noise in a car. Why should you ignore the noise in your heart?

SUNNY:But what will she get after crawling back to him? He’ll think she still has feelings for him. No way should she have another conversation with someone who doesn’t want her.

KENYA:I second that. No one can flip their feelings off so quick after a breakup. It’s better to keep a distance until you’re really over him.

VANYA:It’s worth the risk to talk to him. You need to get closure now or you’ll always wonder ‘what if’.

I frown at my sister. “No one is agreeing on anything.”

“I didn’t think they would.”

I flounce back in my seat. “Then why ask?”

“The group chat isn’t so they can tell you what to do. It’s so you can get clarity on whatyouwant to do.”

“I don’t understand.”

She picks up her phone again. Sets it down. Signs to me. “Nova suggested that you sue for emotional damages. Do you want to do that?”

“That’s such a Nova thing to say.”

“She’s the only female in the guy’s group chat. You know how good she is at business.” Deej smiles proudly. “Now focus. Do you want to sue Dare?”
