Page 234 of The Right Sign

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“Where did you learn that?”

“Come sit on my lap and find out,” he signs.


Who is this Dare and where did he come from?

After delivering that sensual invitation, Dare pushes the cart outside. The suite has a private balcony that’s high enough to touch the stars.

There’s a balmy breeze coming from the sea, flickering against two wicker chairs with green cushions and a round table, which Dare pulls closer. He sets out the food and then takes a seat. Legs slightly spread. Back straight. Eyes on me.

While his gaze is thick and unwavering, I take an unsteady step forward.



Until I’m in front of him.

I glance at the second chair that’s a nice, healthy distance away from Dare. And then I return to his eyes and find him looking at me, chin tilted up in challenge.

Determined, I walk toward him and start to lower myself on his lap, butt first. Dare’s big, firm hands cup my hips and spin me around. The next thing I know, I’m straddling his lap.

I feel my body temperature spiking when Dare signs, “Face me. Always. I want to see you.”

The balcony gets ten times hotter and I’m wondering how on earth I managed to resist him for this long when he is the sexiest man under every sky in every nation.

I settle myself on his legs, eyes fluttering closed in anticipation. His hand brushes my cheek and my insides set off fireworks. I expect his warm and tender mouth to meet mine. Instead, something that smells distinctly like barbecue taps my lips, demanding entrance.

Eyes bursting open, I see Dare feeding me a piece of his steak.

Wait… are we… actually eating food now?

The urgency I’m feeling isnotreflecting in his expression as Dare waits patiently for me to open up. What is this? Some kind of test? Or does he want to taste the barbecue on my tongue while he’s kissing me? It’s a little… out there, but I’m open-minded.

Nose scrunching—that really is a high barbecue smell—I nibble at the end of his fork and take a bite that is respectful of my calorie output.

Dare tries to maneuver the fork back to the plate without gouging me with his elbows. I see him struggling and take the fork, spearing some vegetables and offering it to him.

He smirks a bit as he takes the food into his mouth. “You get the steak and I get the vegetables?”

“Youareolder. You need the nutrients.”

He laughs.

I spear a piece of the steak and offer it to him. Jokes are great and all, but I’m glad to see him eating something. It pains me to hear that he was suffering so much while we were apart.

Dare chews and observes my face. Suddenly, he places a finger between my eyebrows.

“What’s wrong?” he signs.

“Nothing.” I offer him a sip of wine. “I just made a promise to myself.”

“What promise?”

“To take care of you even more than you take care of me.”

He stills, his eyes scouring mine.
