Page 25 of The Right Sign

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I realized how good I had it.

My parents’ brand of smothering was all love.

I shouldn’t complain…

But I will because I’m their youngest daughter and how boring would life be if I were perfect?

I set the lipstick down on the rickety dresser. This roomreallyis a throwback. Since I moved out, mom and dad haven’t changed a thing. That includes childhood artifacts like my fading poster of Tyra Banks, another poster of the amazing all-deaf bandBeethoven’s Nightmare, and the medals from my days of track and field hanging from hooks on the wall.

Not gonna lie.

Tween and teenager Yaya had excellent taste.

Picking up my sea breeze perfume, I spray liberally on my sweat points—behind my ears, my elbows, my knees. Then I spray enough to choke a horse and step under the fragrant rain, turning in a circle.

Wherever I go, I plan to fill the room.

I cap the perfume, grab my hand-crafted tote bag, and snag my phone.

There are a million texts from Henry.

And a million and one from Deej.

I sent Henry a text last night, telling him to lay low for now and also not to freak out.

Everything went well.

I mean, as well as can be expected.

The fact that I wasn’t dragged away in handcuffs is definitely a better scenario than anyone could have hoped for.

I’ll contact Henry as soon as I’m done with my meeting this morning.

Deej too.

My sister wants me to meet with Sazuki’s lawyers. She and Sazuki were talking about negotiations and strategies last night in the car.

I have a feeling Deej learned all those fancy business signs thanks to her husband. Back when she first started learning sign, all she talked about was music composition.

“We just want to help,”Deej told me as they sat outside the house signing to me for hours.

Unfortunately for her, I know how Sazuki ‘helps’.

He’s a bulldozer.

A force of nature.

I’ve read the magazines and seen the business articles.

What Sazuki wants, Sazuki gets.

That included my sister.

The deaf foundation.

And anything else he puts his mind to.

Since he considers me family, Sazuki will try to get a more lenient punishment. The problem is, if my debtor doesn’t feel like he’s gotten what he’s due, he’s going after Henry.
