Page 93 of The Right Sign

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“You mean…”


Mosely’s jaw drops and he stares at Sazuki’s retreating back. “Your father loved their music. He died listening to Sazuki’s song.”

“Yeah, well, I might die doing the same,” I mumble.

Mosely frowns at me. “That visit was about Yaya?”

I pick up my coffee, but it’s cold now. “I didn’t expect to take her without a fight. Sazuki knows how we met. And, unlike Lucy, he knows we never met before then. Fooling him and his wife wasn’t an option.”

“He didn’t look like he was ready to give his blessing.”

“I told him to mind his business.”

“I strongly encourage you not to make Sazuki an enemy.”

“I’m not afraid of him,” I say, rounding the desk.

“Alistair. Hastings. Stinton. Those names ring any bells?”

“Of course they do.” I wake my computer and pull up a file. Alistair is a well-known tech billionaire with a bit more people skills than Cullen, which isn’t saying much. Hastings is military royalty and Stinton comes from a long line of loaded jerks. I can only assume he’s equally loaded and equally a jerk.

“Sazuki’s close. To all of them. They’re like a mean girl clique. You want to break into that group. You don’t want them turning on you.”

“I hated cliques in high school.”



“Mr. Sullivan.”

“Call me ‘Dare’, Mosely.”

“Youarenot Dare. Not when you sit in that chair. Not when you head the company your father sweated and bled to establish.”

“I am not my father.”

“No, you are not.” Mosely’s voice is tight. “He looked at the bigger picture. He would never risk it over some…”

“Some what?” I arch a brow. “Some girl?”

Mosely inhales deeply. “You have no connections with the real power in this city. I’m sorry for speaking out of turn, but I don’t want to see you ruined before you begin.”

“Don’t apologize for being honest, Mosely. I prefer that to fake smiles and ‘yes, sir’s.”

Mosely steps closer to my desk. “You’re already taking a big risk with Cullen Tech. Sinking millions into a project that big with a timeframe so out of reach puts all your subsidiaries at risk.”

I drum my fingers on the desk, letting his words sink in. Mosely thinks like dad. It’s why I respect him.

“Cullen Tech is a calculated risk. I believe Cullen has the capacity to make aerial AI happen in two years rather than six.”

“That’s if he lives for two years,” he mutters under his breath.

I slant Mosely a sharp look.
