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I could stop in and see him.

Is it a good idea?

I don’t know. Ithoughtit was a good idea to drive two hours to visit a guy who couldn’t even be bothered to recall we’d made plans. I was wrong about that, so what else have I been wrong about?

I slow down more, and then take the right-hand turn into the packed lot.



The Tipsy Tavern is crowded.

Crowded, cozy, and colorful.

And it smells delicious in here. There’s no way that’s Dirty Fries I’m smelling… is it?

My stomach growls as I weave between two clusters of flannel-adorned locals. When I reach the bar I spot Parker, standing with his back to me. He’s wearing a black half-apron around his waist and he has a rag tucked in it. His black t-shirt pulls taught over his back muscles as he reaches to a shelf for a bottle of liquor. The tattoos on his triceps disappear beneath the sleeves.

There are only two bar stools open. One of them’s right beside Annie.

Just my luck. I actually know someone here besides Parker.

“Hey, Annie.” I slide onto the seat beside her and nod up at the elk. “How’s he handling this crowd?”

She grins. “Big Ed loves karaoke night. He’s a musician at heart. If he could, he’d treat us all to some loud, wailing bugling, the way he used to do when he was among the living, fightin’ for a female this time of year. How you doin’, hon? Nice to see you back here so soon.”

“Thanks.” I shed my outer layer and then reach for a menu. “Is there something else coming out of a kitchen somewhere that’s not listed for the public? Because I smell something that’s making my mouth water. Like, chicken and cream sauce or…”

“That’d be the fries. Take my word for it, you want the large. You have one, you want to eat a hundred more.”

“Hm.” I’m still having trouble believing it.

I hang my bag on the back of the stool and then turn to root through it for my wallet. When I swivel toward the bar again, Parker’s in front of me, a bottle of Jack in one hand and a beer in the other.

His smile reaches his eyes, crinkling the corners. “Hey. You made it.”

With his eyes still pinned on me, he places a shot glass on the counter and fills it with amber liquid. He slides it toward a man two seats down, barely even glancing that way.

“Yeah, and I’m starving,” I admit. “And thirsty, too.”

“Oh yeah?” His biceps flex as he wipes his hands on the towel at his waist. “What d’you want to drink?”

“A Cosmo would be great. Grey Goose vodka, or whatever you have. Light on the soda water, if you add that. I know some places don’t.”

“If I knew what you were talking about, I’d get right on it.”

“You don’t know how to make a Cosmo?”

“I think there’s a book back here with recipes in it, but I haven’t ever opened the thing.”

I grin. “Maybe you should do some studying, Mr. Bartender.”

“I have better things to do with my time.”

“Okay, so do you know how to mixanycocktails?”

