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Safe and cared for.

Parker settles into the driver’s seat, fires up the engine, and adjusts the heating vents so they’re all pointing at me. “Hey, what do you think Carly’s going to say about this?”

“I’m not sure.” I have an idea, and it’s not all that pleasant to think about it. She warned me not to do exactly what I just did: fall into old ways.

But right now, I don’t even care that she’s probably going to scold me for my foolishness.

All I care about is when I’ll feel his lips on mine again.

His hands on me.

When he’ll whisper something to me in his deep voice that sweeps through me and makes me shiver in the best way.

Here in his warm truck, with him driving and music playing softly and dark buildings sliding past, I just don’t care about my life back home. My responsibilities and reputation and future. I’m truly content and happyin this moment, in a way I don’t often feel.

It might not last.

Itprobablywon’t last.

But for now, I’m going to enjoy the ride.



The last time I slept in this late, I was in the tenth grade and I had pneumonia.

It’s nearing lunchtime. The puffy, moose-adorned quilt I’m nestled under feels too warm, now that sunlight’s streaming through the guest room windows. I push the covers down and then reach for Queenie, who’s curled up near my pillow. While I stroke her under her chin, I work on clearing cobwebs of sleep.

No, I’m not a cruise ship. That was a dream.

Catching giant squid in a net—also part of my dream.

Actual memories start to surface, and I squeeze my eyes shut.Oh, no. Did that happen?

Did I really make out with Parker in the Tipsy Tavern lot, and then again at home, here on the couch?

I pry my eyes open and look over at the bedroom door. It’s closed. I remember leaning against it the night before, feeling ecstatic. My world felt like some kind of tilting, amusement park ride, spinning and whirling me around.

I remember climbing into bed feeling happy and giddy, almost like I was flying.

But now that it’s morning—late, late morning, almost noon—I know that I wasn’t close to flying last night. I was right here in this ski house in Pines Peak the whole time. The Manning’s vacation house. Mitch Manning gave me the key…

I groan as I reach for my phone and dial Carly.

“So… I had a weird night,” I grumble, as soon as she picks up.

If I slouch down far enough on this pillow, maybe I can escape some of the consequences that I’m sure are crowding in on me, as we speak.

Like the fact that Parker is probably somewhere in this house, right now. What happened last night is confusing enough… Now I’m freaking housemates with him, expected to drink coffee from the same pot.

Carly’s laugh sounds distant. She’s got me on speaker phone, I think. “That is an amazing way to start a conversation, Gemma. This is going to be good, I can tell. And I could use a good story. I just had theworstmeeting with the District Supervisors. I swear, I almost quit on the spot. So, cheer me up, please. What happened?”

She might not laugh when I tell her.

She warned me not to fall for her brother again.

But, here we are.

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