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“Yeah, he’s down there.” She waves in the general direction of a hamper-lined hallway. “Past Mrs. Millhorn’s room.”

I am so mad at her for not even bothering to give me a room number. And for assuming I know who the heck Mrs. Millhorn is.Andfor still filing her nails, even though now I’m crying again and there’s a box of tissues on her desk and she hasn’t even offered me one.

But it’s worse. I’m not just mad at her.

I’m mad at myself.

I hate that I wasn’t here when Parker got into this accident. I hate that I wasn’t right there to help him into the back of the ambulance with my own two hands, and then sit next to him on the way to this crappy clinic.

I should have been there.

“I’m not from around here,” I choke out, as I paw at my cheek and try to look like an adult, even though I feel like a scared teenager. “Mrs. Millhorn?”

“You know, she used to be the principal, now she’s got major dementia? You’ll hear her shouting. Well, Parker’s probably in the next room down.”

Probably?Great. She doesn’t even know.

At least her casual, not-helpful vibe has worked to my advantage in one way.

Seeing as she doesn’t seem at all worried about patient confidentiality I get to pass her desk, and make my way down the crowded hallway.

Please, please be okay.

A stern, feeble voice behind a closed door is doling out “detention for a week” to some unidentified “young Missy.”

The next door is ajar.

I push it open gently and step into the room.



The first bed in the small clinic treatment room is unoccupied. Beyond it, a curtain’s drawn, slicing the room in two.

I hear sounds coming from over there.

Awful sounds.

A pained groan, and then rustling sheets and a faint cry.

That’s followed by a nurse’s soft murmurings.“There, now, that’s better, with that t-shirt off. All that blood! My goodness. Let me get you a gown and another couple blankets.”

I head toward the curtain.

She pops out from behind it before I can make my way through.

“Heavens! You about scared me to death. What can I do for you?”

“I’d like to see him.”

She shakes her head of thick auburn hair. “Oh, no. Not in the state he’s in. He’s not decent. Not a stitch of clothes on him, waist up, and I’m sure you know the paramedics sliced his pants right off of him, on account of the leg injury, which—thank goodness—wasn't as bad as we first thought. It’s his jaw that’s the real trouble.”

“I didn’t know.” Now I feel shaky and woozy all over again.Poor Parker.

“You just sit here and give him his privacy. I’ll be back in two seconds with a gown.”

“Wait—can you—” I stammer, “This is all news to me. I just got back to town and rushed here. Is he going to be okay?”
