Page 33 of Three-Night Stand

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“In case you forgot, I’ve seen you drink milk straight from the carton in nothing but your birthday suit. I hardly think you being nearly twice my age means anything.” I gasped when he spun me around and spanked me. “Hey!”

“Just reminding you that I’m your elder, little girl. Now, go do whatever you need to do and be careful.” His spanking turned to caressing. “And don’t cover my mark. I want it known that you’re taken.”

“But I’m not.”

“Baby, my come is leaking down your thighs right now.” When I gasped and leaned down to look, he laughed. “I’m kidding. You’re keeping it all inside like a good girl.”

I closed my eyes and leaned against him. “Why do I like that so much?”

He ran his hands up and down my arms and cradled me against his chest. “Who doesn’t like being praised a little? You deserve it, especially.”

“Thank you.” I sighed and slowly pulled myself away from him. “Okay, I have to go back to being professional. You make me wish I was passionate about any other field, though, Xavier. Mack and Jones, too. Even if Jones does hate me right now. I gave you such mixed signals today and I should be sorry. I just…can’t.”

He smiled and sat back on the couch. “You didn’t give mixed signals, Layla. They were perfectly clear.”



Onmyhandsandknees on the stage, I had taken over running the cords from a few guys that worked for the arena. Their work was shit and I could do it better myself in less time than it would’ve taken them to complain and do it slightly better two more times before I just did it myself anyway. I crawled forward and grumbled to myself the whole time. The stagehands that traveled with the band were amazing. They were hard workers who listened and respected me. Working with them was a dream. It was the venue employees that I often wanted to strangle.

I finished the last of the cord and looked back to see my work. Instead I saw the two assholes who didn’t know how to run cord standing behind me, pretending to smack my ass while thrusting their hips. I shot up, seconds from laying into them when Xavier stormed up the stage, his face a mask of rage. His eyes were on the two guys and I knew he’d witnessed what they were doing.

By the time my body caught up with my brain, he was already at their throats. All I could do was watch and hope he didn’t murder them.

“You think that’s fucking funny? A woman is trying to do her job and somehow you think that’s a good time to mimic what? Fucking her? Is that what you two pencil-dicked motherfuckers were doing? Mimicking fucking her? I’m going to tell you something that your parents should’ve told you a long time ago.” Xavier got even closer to their faces. “You keep fucking around and one day you’re going to mess with the wrong person. You’re going to come across someone that much crazier than you and then you’re going to understand what it means to be fucked. Do you understand me? Now, fucking apologize before I kick both of your asses.”

Both men stammered apologies to me, but I didn’t need their apologies. Seeing them cowering in shame with their shame coloring their faces was enough for me.

Xavier wasn’t done, though. “Now get the fuck out of here. Tell your boss that you’ve been dismissed for sexual harassment and if I see you hanging around, I’ll make you both understand just how sorry you are.”

They hurried off the stage and the rest of the crew went back to work like nothing had happened. I wasn’t as used to seeing that side of Xavier, though, so I just stood there, gaping at him.

He was wearing a worn flannel shirt that stretched tight over his shoulders and when he rolled the sleeves up, his movements were jerky, like his anger still had a hold over him. “Put me to work, boss.”

I stepped closer to him and put my hand over his wrist. “Thank you.”

He took a deep breath and blew it out. “I’m doing my best not to go after them. They have no idea how close they just came to me losing my shit.”

I smiled up at him and stroked my thumb over his inner wrist. “Fuck them. They don’t matter. What does matter is that you made the mistake of calling me boss and it’s gone to my head. I’m a tyrant. You can ask anyone. Now, keep breathing so I can get some use out of you. Got it?”

He licked his lips as he stared at mine and nodded. “As long as you don’t forget who’s really in charge.”

I swore at my blushing cheeks and pointed him in the direction of Mark, the man setting up the platform for his drums. “Go, help Mark. I don’t want to see you back here until that platform is built and your pretty little drums are on top.”

He shook his head and his smile was pure sex. “Now you’re just asking for me to bend you over and spank you right here and now. Pretty little drums… The disrespect.”

I swatted him on the ass when he walked by and then hurried away so I didn’t feel his revenge. Setting up the stage was a whole different kind of fun that day.

The show was great that night, as it always was. The guys were on fire and with all the brooding Jones was doing, he looked even hotter than normal on stage. How that was possible, I didn’t know.

After the show, I had to break down the stage right away because we were leaving before the sun came up to drive for twenty-four hours straight. Someone had booked shows halfway across the country, back to back. It was going to be a rough turnaround but I really did love the work.

While the audience filed out and the guys went away to shower and do whatever they were planning, I went up on the stage and started taking up all the cords I’d meticulously laid. I realized I should’ve waited until the arena was completely empty when a handful of people lingered in front of the stage, watching me. Feeling snarky, I rolled up the end of the card and then held out jazz hands like I’d just done a trick.


One of the guys stepped forward and grinned up at me. “Beautiful magic trick. Got any more?”
