Page 52 of The Survivor

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“I’ll meet you here to drive you to work,” I said.

“Meet me at my house. I have to drop Matilda off.”

“Let her stay,” I demanded. “It’s only a few hours from lunch until when I get home. They’ll be fine.”

I saw the pleased smile tugging at her lip before her head ducked.

“Okay,” she agreed, looking back up. “Go. Make the streets of Navesink Bank safer. Solve crimes. All that good stuff.”

With that, I left.

Each step felt harder to take.

I, a lifelong workaholic, someone who brought work home more often than not, suddenly wanted nothing to do with going in and working on cases or responding to calls, chasing down leads, putting bad guys away.

I just wanted to turn back, grab that woman, and pull her back up to bed with me. Then get lost in each other until the entire world fell away.

But that wasn’t an option.

So I forced myself to keep moving forward.

Into my car.

From my car into work.

To my desk.

Still, all I did all goddamn day long was think about Mari right there in my house, waiting for me.

I was so fucked.

Sometime right before lunch, though, I finally caught a break in the robbery case. Not from good, old-fashioned police work. Oh, no. It was pure dumb luck. But, hey, a win is a win. I would take it.

I took my lunch a little earlier than usual, but detectives were out of the office often enough that no one even noticed as I drove back to my house, finding Mari outside with the dogs, throwing a ball for the dogs.

Boss had clearly long given up, and was basking in a patch of sun. Matilda was half-heartedly chasing it, tongue hanging out, chest heaving. Clearly ready to take a break, but wanting to appease Mari.

I made sure the door made a little noise as I slid it open, making her head turn back, but lazily, like she wasn’t expecting anyone but me.

I reached out toward her, snagging her around the waist, and pulling her back into the house with me. I turned her to face me as I reached back to slide the door closed again.

Then my focus was fully on her, my lips meeting hers, my hands drifting over her body.

We didn’t have a lot of time.

But neither of us seemed to care as she started to peel off my suit, and I discarded her slightly wrinkled uniform from the day before.

We were going to need to stop back at her place to grab some clothes after she left work.

I’d given up pretending that this wasn’t happening.

To hell with the goddamn consequences.

Everything in me told me that this woman would be worth them as my hands traced over her soft skin, as her sweet moans met my ear, as my cock slid inside her, and we moved together in perfect harmony until we were both crying out, both coming hard.

I was even sure of it as we got dressed, then brought the dogs inside, before heading toward our cars.

“Probably shouldn’t do this outside your work,” I said, gently grabbing the back of her neck as she leaned against her car. “So have a good day at work,” I told her, lips pressing lightly to hers a few times. “I’ll be waiting for you at your house when you’re done,” I added, then sealed my lips over hers.
