Page 62 of The Survivor

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He wanted to hear me cry and scream and beg.

That was all part of the fantasy.

Why else would he be so sadistic?

So, he wasn’t going to gag me. Which meant I got to keep poking at him, keep ticking him off, keep getting under his skin. In the hopes that it made him sloppy. And allowed me to escape.

His fingers dug into my wrists as he started to pull me out of the trunk.

I ignored the sting, focusing not on my attacker, but on what was behind him, and around us.

The dirty cement floor.

The windowless space.

The chill.

A garage.

He was parked in a garage.

Which meant there was a button somewhere to open said garage for a quick exit. If I couldn’t find that, all garage doors could be manually pulled up for a less quick, but just as workable escape.

I was so focused on the plans that I barely registered the way my leg slammed into the cage as he dragged me out.

I didn’t help him.

I forced my body to be lax and boneless.

If he wanted me out of the trunk, he had to carry my dead-ass weight the whole way. Even if it meant I banged my leg, and he bruised my arms, and my knees hit the ground hard.

He was big, sure.

But he wasn’t as strong as I’d thought during my last attack. Not strong enough to easily carry around my weight.

He would struggle.

And that was fine by me.

The more winded he was, the more his muscles ached, the better my chances for survival.

“Get up!” he snapped, chest already heaving.

I fought back the lifelong teachings the world gives girls about being nice, being polite, not hurting feelings, or bruising male egos, and spoke.

“Maybe less time in the Incel groups and more time in the gym…” I started.

The sentence was cut off as my attacker pulled his arm in, then swung outward, the back of his hand catching me so hard across the cheek that my body fell.

I managed to catch myself before I fell on my side, possibly compromising the integrity and placement of the pen.

Pain ricocheted across my cheek, making my eyes tear, but I blinked it back hard as I lowered myself flat on the garage floor, splayed out right next to an old grease stain.

If he wanted to move me, he had to drag me.

“You stupid fucking bitch,” he snarled. “Get up!”

My cheek was throbbing, and he must have split my lip, because I tasted blood.
