Page 10 of Forces of Nature

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Tobias gave him an intense stare as he placed the pile of Natalie’s clothes next to them on the couch. Along with a couple of bottles of water, a plate of cheese and grapes, and a large bar of chocolate.

He nodded his head decisively. “I thought so. Top space. You’ll both be needing this.” Tobias nodded to the refreshments he had brought. Not just anything; items specifically designed to help rehydrate and boost the blood sugar.

Jared nodded his thanks. Tried the word, as well, but his voice was raspy.

“Do you want to hand her over to another Dom?” Tobias asked. “You both need attention to avoid dropping. Margo and I could help you.”

Jared’s arm tightened around Natalie reflexively. No way he was letting her go. He cleared his throat. “I appreciate the offer,” he told his boss. “But I don’t think it would be right for Natalie to come too with someone she’s not expecting. I know the drill…” Which was true enough, even though this was something he’d never experienced to this degree in the past. “We’ll be fine with each other.”

Tobias looked like he was about to argue, but Jared continued. “But I’m not stupid enough, or arrogant enough, to tell you not to check in.”

Tobias inclined his head in a single nod, and the answer seemed to appease him. After all, they were friends first, long before Jared had ever become an employee.

He looked down at Natalie’s pliant form. “Don’t worry, I’m fine to take care of her.”

“I don’t doubt that for a moment,” Tobias remarked. “But you need to be taken care of too. Top drop is a thing, buddy.”

“I know, and I know where to come if I’m feeling it, but I think taking care of Natalie will help me with that.”

Tobias clapped Jared on the shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze as Natalie’s eyelashes fluttered, although she still looked completely spaced out. “Fair enough,” he agreed. “But don’t think I won’t check in. Now get some food and water into both of you, so I know you’re off to a good start.”

As his friend walked away, Natalie became more lucid, so Jared helped her to sit up and held the water bottle to her lips. “You heard him, pet, best keep daddy bear happy.”

Natalie blinked, but sucked on the handy bottle spout, thirstily. She’d downed almost half before he slowed her down and offered her a square of chocolate instead. “Here, suck on this to help your blood sugar levels.”

She took it from his fingers and her eyes were still dilated, but they flickered at his choice of words. Jared might not know her well… yet. But he knew her well enough to know that under any other circumstance there would have been a quick quip on her tongue about sucking things.

Damned if he didn’t like that he could second guess her, too.

It gave him a comfortable feeling, like he’d known her a whole lot longer than he had. They were just… synced.

She hummed as she sucked, her tongue working around the chocolate square and the sound and motion both put wicked thoughts inside Jared’s head. His cock was still painfully hard, pressing uncomfortably against the rigid placket of his leather trousers, which were nothing if not unforgiving, and he had to fight the urge to adjust himself, because he knew to do so, he would have to move her, and that was something he didn’t want to do.

And just like Natalie knew, she wriggled her butt on his lap, causing him to groan under his breath. The movement ramped up his desire to do bad, bad things to her, even though Jared knew it was probably only the residual discomfort from the spanking starting to make itself known, as she came back to herself that caused her to squirm so much.

Like that made any difference to his dick!

When she was finished, he gave Natalie a little more water, to wash it down, and then fed her a few cubes of cheese and some grapes before encouraging her to finish the bottle.

The brightness had returned to her eyes, though she was still languid. But the fidgeting had increased, and he suspected there was more to it now than simple discomfort.

“Is there anything else you need?” he asked, looking around to see if there was somebody close enough to ask to fetch and carry if she wanted some aloe lotion or a hot drink.

“Cock,” Natalie replied succinctly.

Jared, his attention elsewhere, started at her disclosure. “I beg your pardon?” It wasn’t that he hadn’t heard. It just wasn’t what he expected.

But then, was anything this little minx did what he expected?

“I said I need cock,” she confirmed in no uncertain terms. “Tell me, Master Jared, are you planning to put out this fire you’ve started, or do I need to find another way to turn down the heat?”

She could already feel the hard ridge of his erection beneath her burning buttocks, but a ripple of satisfaction rolled through her when she felt it jump at her blunt and wanton words.

Jared sucked in a breath, his hands tightening and releasing at her waist as pleasure and anticipation coursed through him. He didn’t have to think twice. “I thought you’d never ask,” he murmured. “Are you okay to walk?”

She raised her eyebrows in a look that said, ‘seriously?’ “You gave me an erotic spanking on my butt,” she retorted, sparks of her implacable personality already starting to shine through her rapidly waning stupor. “It’s not like you were practicing bastinado,” she retorted drily, referencing the Chinese torture of whipping the soles of the feet.

Jared couldn’t help it; he grinned, and Natalie’s eyes widened like it was something completely foreign before a little shiver racked her.
