Page 19 of Forces of Nature

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Her whimpers turned to sobs, her words becoming choppy and incoherent before Jared finally took pity on her plight.

He crawled up her body as her chest heaved and looked into eyes glazed with tears of frustration. “Are you on the pill, sweetheart?” he asked in a surprisingly gentle voice.

Natalie did her best to focus on his face, on his words. She nodded her head. “I am,” she confirmed, her voice hoarse from screaming and pleading.

“I want nothing between us. I want to feel you without any kind of barrier.” He growled the words, his gaze drilling into her and stealing her breath. “I want to come inside you.”

She nodded her head, wanting the same thing too.

“I’m clean,” he persevered, even though she didn’t need his assurances. Natalie knew enough about club protocol to know he’d be required to test regularly, just as she’d had to supply a clean bill of health before they arrived. “I know you are too.”

“Yes,” Natalie whispered. “Yes, I want that too.”

He kissed her then, with a mad passion and she could taste herself on his tongue. And as he did so, he flexed his hips, his cock rubbing against her tender folds, coating himself in the wetness that slicked her.

Then with another clever maneuver he was inside her, pressing in, inch by inch, taking her, possessing her, owning her.

Jared’s hands threaded with hers as he began to move, his lips still clinging to her own. He was surprisingly gentle at first, and Natalie wondered if it was only she who felt the beauty and poignancy of this union.

Jared groaned and tipped his head back, raising himself on his elbows as he increased the pace until he was pounding into her, yet again, like his life depended on it. As if he were helpless to do anything else.

Natalie wound her legs around his waist and allowed the tidal wave of euphoria to pitch and plunge, taking her where it pleased as it drenched her in sweeping flourishes of pleasure.

Jared buried his face in her neck, stayed there, almost reverently for a moment before he nipped and kissed her jaw, the sensitive area behind her ear, scraped his teeth down her throat and nibbled across her collar bone until he reached her breasts.

He drew his tongue around her pouting nipples, his clever fingers plucking and pinching until Natalie was a writhing mess, and then, he bit down on one tender nub, and she exploded.

A cry ripped from her throat, her body bucked, meeting his own, thrust for thrust, a kaleidoscope of colors burst behind her eyes and her orgasm ripped through her as Jared pounded into her body, pushing her up again, forcing her to ride the wave of her climax instead of drowning beneath it.

“Look at me, Natalie,” he demanded. “Open your eyes!”

She peeled apart her heavy lids, fell into the intensity of his dark gaze.

And as they stared into each other’s eyes, the moment stretching out between them as he poured his seed into her waiting body, Natalie knew without a doubt that this was love.

And she would never be the same again.


To his credit, Nathan didn’t ask any awkward questions. Well, not too many, anyway.

Not that Natalie saw a whole lot of him, since she spent every spare moment with Jared, desperate to get to know him in the few short days they had available to them.

She thought she knew her heart, but that didn’t change the fact that they’d only known each other a handful of days, and relationships were made up of a whole lot more than just sexual - and kink - compatibility.

Plus, she could only speak for herself.

Natalie had been reluctant to broach the delicate subject of their future with Jared.

If they even had one. Maybe they didn’t, and that made her sadder than she cared to be. Still, she was determined to give it her best shot before she left.

If it went nowhere… Well, at least Natalie would know she’d tried.

“So, you and the Dungeon Master, huh?” There was a lightness in her twin’s voice, like he was teasing, but Natalie knew him well enough to know he was putting it on.

Nathan was concerned and Natalie couldn’t even blame him. She would have been the same if the roles were reversed.

“Yeah…” Natalie sought to deflect the subject by throwing it back at him. “Sorry about that, I know we were supposed to spend some time together. What have you been doing to pass the time while I’ve been… unavailable?”
