Page 2 of Forces of Nature

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Margo tapped nervously on her computer keyboard, then her shoulders sagged with relief. “There we are,” she said, trying to inject some of her previous cheer. Separate rooms, one here in the hotel and one cabin, so you don’t have to bump into each other.”

She gave Nathan a wink, having clearly picked up on his discomfort. “We’re operating at reduced capacity, since this is our inaugural week, but I’ve done some juggling.”

The sound of voices approaching signified more guests arriving. Jessie had vanished out of sight and Margo was looking stricken again, realizing she couldn’t be in two places at once.

“Thank you. If you just point us in the direction, we can find our own way,” Natalie suggested as the doors from the vestibule opened.

“I really wanted to escort you. It's a pretty big place but…" Margo wrung her hands, clearly torn. “Tobias should be here, but he went to check on the generator since we had a severe weather warning posted. We don’t want the power going down on us.”

“It’s fine, we’ll manage, won’t we Nathan,” Natalie prompted as Margo handed them a pair of key cards with numbers printed on them. She’d just started giving them instructions on how to find their rooms when a beautifully muscular but very serious looking guy came into the reception area from another direction.

Margo almost wilted with relief. “Oh, Jared! Thank goodness. Could you show this couple… umm… this pair, these… people… to their rooms, umm, accommodations, please,” she asked, stumbling over her words.

“Of course,” he replied, glancing at their key cards. Then turning his gaze on the pair of them, he gave Natalie such a long, slow perusal that her ovaries jumped up and started having a party.

“I’m Jared North, the Dungeon Master at Red Hills,” he said by way of an introduction. “Follow me.”

He picked up Natalie’s bag and started walking a little way ahead of them, back towards the outside space.

“Put your tongue back in your mouth, you’re drooling,” Nathan said, his voice quiet, but dry.

“Mmmm…” Was Natalie’s only reply as she followed him with her eyes glued to his tight butt, perfectly encased in snug fitting denim.

“I swear Nat,” Nathan hissed. “If you do anything that causes me to bleach my eyeballs, I’ll never forgive you!”

Natalie tore her eyes away and looked at her twin. “Come on, Nathan. Lighten up. This trip is for us as well. In the new year I’ll be off to Elysium, and we’ll be apart for the first time in our lives.”

Nathan sighed and gave her an awkward side hug amidst their luggage. “I know, but when we agreed to a trip away, I was thinking more along the lines of sunning ourselves on a beach and drinking beer. Not getting inappropriately jiggy at a kink resort and catching you in compromising situations.”

“If we’d done that, I might have gone topless,” she teased.

“Your cabin,” Jared said, interrupting their banter when he stopped at a small alpine lodge and waited for them to catch up.

Nathan thrust out his hand and thanked the guy before dropping a kiss on Natalie’s temple and unlocking the door to his suite. “I’ll catch up with you later,” he told her before he disappeared inside and Natalie found herself alone with the droolworthy guy.


Jared led the way back inside the main building and Natalie was conscious of his curious gaze appraising her, causing shivers to tremble down her spine.

Damn the man was potent.

“So, what’s with you and the boyfriend and the separate accommodation. Is that part of your dynamic?”

Natalie had found the mistake funny from Margo, but from this gorgeous, sexy guy, it rankled.

“Why is it that everyone has to jump to the conclusion that two people travelling together of the opposite sex have to be involved?” she asked herself as much as she did him, a touch of irritation coloring her voice.

Jared quirked a single eyebrow and looked down at her… he was tall, looking back up at him strained her neck.

“I guess because you’ve arrived together at a kink resort it’s probably a natural conclusion,” he remarked dryly.

Natalie huffed. “Well, he’s not my boyfriend, he’s my brother. My twin brother.”

Jared gave a short laugh. “Well, that explains why Margo is running around in such a panic and allocating him one of the cabins. I didn’t think she wanted to have them in use, since we have a bad weather report, but although the hotel has plenty of rooms, they’re not all ready yet.”

Jared gave her that speculative look again and Natalie had to bite back a retort. She had a feeling her butt wouldn’t appreciate the punishment if she bratted too hard with this guy, so she stayed silent and waited for him to say whatever was on his mind.

“So… twins,” he finally declared, his mouth hitching in what possibly passed as a smile in this guy’s book, but probably nobody else’s.
