Page 21 of Forces of Nature

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Nathan’s prediction was right.

That evening, as they sat down for dinner, the lights flickered, reminding them all of the blizzard that was raging outside. Tobias made the announcement that the roads were officially closed. Not just the narrow, single lane that led to the resort, but the main roads too, and the plows had been stood down since the roads were blocked again before they’d even finished their rounds.

“I do apologize for the weather, but obviously there’s nothing we can do but wait for it to pass. These storms are very common in the area. The upside is that we are well prepared for snow, and I don’t anticipate any real problems.”

They hadn’t expected to spend New Year’s Eve at Red Hills, but Natalie couldn’t deny the thrill of seeing in the new year with Jared.

It seemed auspicious, somehow.

And it meant she got to spend a few more days with him too.

Of course, it meant Margo spent the next couple of days running around, panicking, since she now had unexpected guests on New Year’s Eve and didn’t have anything planned. But she was determined to pull something together, even though everyone had insisted they’d be fine with a few drinks to celebrate.

And that was on top of having to plan meals for several extra days.

Margo was determined to make the new year special for her guests though, and Natalie had to agree that her suggestion of a scavenger hunt with a twist sounded like fun.

But since that was all she’d come up with, Margo invited everyone to add their own suggestions to a bowl so they could be picked out at random, and Natalie was trying to think of something fun and unpredictable.

And honestly, a few of the other guests looked like they could do with an injection of jollification. Sure, she and Nathan were undoubtedly the youngest of all the guests, and these people couldn’t have much more than a decade on her, but some of them really did seem old before their time. Natalie wanted to shake them up.

Seriously, the girl - Peyton - who Natalie estimated to be about her own age, was so highly strung and possessive, she never let her guy - Declan - out of her sight. Yeah, he was good looking and all, in that white collar ‘executive’ kind of way, but jeez, the woman needed to realize nobody else was interested in poaching him.

Natalie idly wondered if he was a bit of a philanderer and that’s why Peyton was so uptight, although she didn’t see any evidence of it. But maybe Peyton had reason to keep such a close eye on him.

Although, if that was the case, Natalie thought the woman should just shove his very fine ass to the curb and find someone who would treat her right.

Either he had a bit of a roving eye, or he was a fugitive!

Natalie snort laughed at her own joke and shook herself. What the heck was wrong with her? She really did need to curb her wayward imagination. Maybe she was suffering from cabin fever.

Yeah… no.

Natalie was perfectly happy to be snow bound with Jared.

That really wasn’t a hardship.

It was more that Jared had been roped in to help out with the blizzard necessities. He, Tobias, and Joshua had donned ski wear and snowshoes and braved the weather to ensure the cabins and all the outdoor facilities were weather tight and secure. And also to check on the generators and bring in extra logs for the fires, since it seemed to be a foregone conclusion that they would lose power at some point, and everyone wanted to be prepared.

So Natalie had been left to her own devices, and she knew a moment of guilt that she really hadn’t bothered to make any kind of effort with her fellow guests. She’d been too wrapped up in Jared, and now, as they laughed and joked together in the great room, in front of the cozy, roaring fire, Natalie was the one who was at a disadvantage.

Not that she’d ever let that bother her in the past, and she wouldn’t now. Instead, Natalie resolved to make more of an effort… since it was New Year’s Eve and all.

At midday, Margo got everyone’s attention. “Okay, it’s time for the Scavenger Hunt. Who’s playing?”

Most people seemed game. The only couple who hadn’t made an appearance were Adam and Chelsea, since it was apparently their wedding anniversary, but at least that meant they avoided any confusion surrounding the two Adam’s. Although Natalie had taken to calling Adam C. ‘Ace’, because of his initials, and she didn’t think his wife, Jasmine, appreciated it that much.

Margo gave all the participants a sheet. She had made up lists for the hunt and there were twenty hints and riddles on each list, and everyone’s list would be unique, and the exclusive items meant they couldn’t follow each other around to sneak the answers.

Natalie was excited, but while most people were playing in pairs, she was reluctant to ask Jared if he would partner her. He was still staff, after all, and even if he wasn’t, this kind of frivolous game didn’t seem like the type of thing that would appeal to someone as serious and brooding as he was. So it was with some reluctance that Natalie scampered off to do it by herself.

Sex on the Beach is definitely out, but maybe there’s a Screaming Orgasm about.

Well, that one was easy. Natalie laughed as she trotted off to the bar to ask for the cocktail and got the bartender to take a photograph of her drinking it. While she was sipping on the baileys and Cointreau concoction, she perused the rest of the questions, mentally ticking them off in her head.

You won’t find this horse in a field, but you can take his photo and bring the implement that spurs him on.

Finishing her drink, Natalie made her way to the dungeon and snapped a picture of a spanking horse, then hunted for the hidden crop. Cameras are normally not allowed out in public areas, but a special exception had been made for the hunt.
