Page 6 of Forces of Nature

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“Ladies and gentlemen, this is Natalie. She and her brother arrived today, and I’m sure some of you have met her already.” Jared didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t need to. It seemed like the entire audience automatically quieted so they could hear his words.

“And since Natalie and I don’t know each other beyond our initial introduction, this will also serve as a demonstration in negotiation.”

He turned to her and looked at her with frank appraisal. Natalie wondered what he saw. Nathan was right. They were very different. And while she was drawn to Jared’s dark dominance, she couldn’t help wondering what he saw in her. Did he find her light, bubbly personality irritating? Is that why he’d summoned her? So he could give her a taste of his darkness and scare her away; show her exactly how she was playing with fire.

A warning.

Well, she’d be the one who would surprise him. For all her outer personality, Natalie had a wide masochistic streak. Jared would have to bring a whole lot to the table to unsettle her in any way.

Although looking at him now, his dark, brooding features, his tightly leashed control, his intense stare, she did wonder if he was a sadist, or maybe a Master who required a slave.

Was he the type who wanted to whip a submissive bloody? Or subdue someone to the extent that he held complete and utter control over every aspect of that person’s life?

A light shudder ran through her frame. That might be too much for her.

But right now, she was only here to play, and nothing was going to happen that she wasn’t totally on board with.

She held all the power.

And Jared was about to find out that underneath all the cheerful fluff, Natalie Moore had a core of steel.

Jared turned back to the small group which looked even more tiny within the dungeons' cavernous space. “I’m certain all of you are familiar with negotiations, but it never hurts to revisit that. It’s easy to become complacent, especially if you scene with the same partner over and over. It’s always important to ensure both parties are getting everything they need from a scene. Even if you’ve been together for so long you consider yourself to already know everything there is to know. But negotiations can keep things fresh, can introduce new angles that may never have been considered in the past, so don’t write it off… even those of you who are so comfortable with each other that negotiation is almost superfluous.”

There was a little flurry of whispers throughout the patrons, signaling that his words had struck a chord with more than a few. The nature of this grand opening event, which had been competition based, meant that those who were in attendance were mostly the kind of couples Jared was referring to.

Maybe that was another reason why he’d chosen her to help his demonstration. Natalie knew the resort was working on a reduced staff, especially since this inaugural event took place over the holidays. Five days of festivities from Boxing Day to December 30th when they were all due to leave so Tobias and Margo could have a much-needed rest before the resort opened to the public later in January. A soft opening, they said, during the quiet season, so everyone had time to settle into their roles.

Of course, it didn’t escape Natalie’s notice that plenty of the submissives had volunteered to partner Jared; she suspected some were staff members, and couldn’t help wondering if they had Dom’s of their own, but if they did, she assumed they were doing so with permission. That wasn’t really out of the ordinary. Many outside the lifestyle really didn’t understand that sex wasn’t a necessary part of the dynamic; it was an ‘extra’. Lots of people who took part in the scene never had intercourse at all, that was a perk that was negotiated the same as any other aspect.

Jared turned back to Natalie, his entire concentration now on her as if the audience no longer existed. It was a heady feeling, not to mention the sign of an experienced dominant.

“So, pet… I’m going to take you through some general questions, and I need you to answer everything in as much detail as possible.”

“Yes Sir,” Natalie responded clearly and confidently.

“Since you agreed to take part in this demonstration, it’s easy to assume that you’re comfortable with exhibitionism, but I’d like a verbal confirmation of that, and also if you have any preference in your state of undress.”

The thought of being naked in front of the crowd sent a frisson of anticipation through her. But even more so, was the thought of being naked underneath Jared’s hands.

Still, she answered carefully; deferentially. “I am happy with whatever state of undress Sir requires.”

His eyes scorched her… had he expected her to be prissy? To her own mind, this was the wrong lifestyle for that, but Natalie knew subs that were.

“Good girl,” Jared praised, and the words set her nerves dancing. What about implements? Do you have any hard limits?”

Natalie shook her head. “My only limit is that the Dom wielding said instrument is an expert.”

Jared quirked an eyebrow. She’d surprised him, she knew, and it seemed he was intent to push her statement.

“So, if I wanted to use a bullwhip, for example?”

“If you are an expert in its execution, then I would trust you to use it.”

His eyes narrowed, just fractionally. “And what about intensity?”

“Mid-way between moderate and hard,” she replied succinctly, holding his gaze, and filtering out the murmurs from those watching, just like he did. “No broken skin, no permanent marks, but I understand some bruising is likely at this level of play.”

There was the slightest shift of something in his gaze, but he was far too professional to let it seep through. Still, Natalie hoped it was something akin to respect. She was young and bubbly; often described as fun, and even more often mistaken for fluffy and flighty. The kind of submissive who barely dipped her toe in the water.
