Page 8 of Forces of Nature

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Perhaps that’s where he’d been going wrong.

Maybe it was that aura of innocence she portrayed, but something deep, dark, and abiding was pushing Jared to dirty her up a little.

Who was he kidding… he wanted to dirty her up a lot!

He just hadn’t thought she’d be able to take it, and that had been a real disappointment - until now.

Now, all bets were off.

Ever since the sass she’d given him when he’d delivered her to her bedroom suite, Jared had been itching to get his hands on Natalie. He’d already had her in mind for this demonstration, but he’d expected to have to keep it light. Based on her answers his plans had changed.

Of course, there wasn’t room for him to weld his favorite whip in the space available to him right now, but that was fine. He’d make sure to get around to it later in the week.

And despite all that, his greatest desire was still to start with a good, old fashioned hand spanking.

To enjoy the weight of her over his knee.

To feel her supple flesh yielding under his palm.

To see the rising bloom of his handprints on her skin.

To savor the heat and glow when he’d punished every inch of that perfect, heart shaped ass.

All of that and more.

Jared settled himself on the chair he’d placed on the stage. Natalie was standing to one side, her posture proud. Without any specific waiting instructions, she stood with her head held high, eyes facing forward but not focussed on anything in particular, her feet were a comfortable width apart and her arms were folded behind her back which served to thrust her pert, perky breasts out. It was a confident pose, but he appreciated the formality of it; almost like a soldier standing at ease. It showed a depth of commitment to the lifestyle often missing in someone so young. Though maybe that wasn’t so surprising considering her family. The lifestyle wasn’t always generational, but children of kink friendly families were almost always more open and understanding of it.

He patted his thigh, and she immediately turned her attention to him, proving that her awareness had been on him all the time, no matter where her focus lay.

“Over my knee, please pet,” he instructed and rather than scampering across like an excited puppy as he’d expected, Natalie moved and arranged herself gracefully over his lap.

It was like the very essence of the scene calmed her.

Jared liked that. Liked it a lot.

It was something that lay at the heart of power exchange.

He smoothed his hand along the lean, athletic planes of her back, down to her firm buttocks. He’d planned to speak to the small audience during this demonstration, but he already knew he wouldn’t be able to split his attention between the two. Not with Natalie’s weight already causing his cock to swell, so he changed his tactics.

“I’m sure you’re all aware of how to perform a hand spanking. Since this one will be a harder than average spanking, please watch carefully, especially for placement, skin color and intensity. Be aware of how the submissive is arranged and restrained, her reactions, and how I respond to them. I’ll answer any questions about the scene later.”

With that he started deceptively lightly, and before the intensity ramped up, he threw a few more comments to their audience, assuaging his need to educate. “While this might get harsh, it isn’t a punishment spanking, that’s a whole other ballgame and something far more for specifics between the parties involved, so we’re not touching that.”

He peppered her butt, bringing the blood to the surface so that the likelihood of bruising was minimized, explaining as he did so. When she was a pleasing light pink color all over, he increased the force of his swats. They were at the moderate stage when Natalie started to wriggle, her legs starting to kick a little with each spank against her delightfully heated skin, and he was aware that she was trying her best to control the reactions.

“What color are you, Natalie?” He said it loud enough for all to hear. He wanted the audience to be aware, even though he wasn’t addressing them.

“Green, Sir,’ Natalie confirmed, even though she continued to wriggle. “One hundred percent green.”

“Very good. Would it be easier if I restrained your legs?”

“Yes Sir!” Her tone sounded relieved at the prospect. “Please….”

With her consent, Jared rearranged her over his lap, so her legs were pinned in between both of his. He immediately felt her relax and knew that this was something necessary to her. The kind of little thing that was hard to articulate during negotiations, but that couples picked up and added to their knowledge banks about their partners - and which decent Dom’s detected when they paid attention.

Jared liked that this was something he now knew about the young girl draped across his knee. He stored the knowledge away, even though he likely would never need it again.

Somehow that thought dejected him, though he couldn’t really say why. He shook the errant thought off and resumed the demonstration which had come to feel like so much more.
