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We have your location pinpointed on the Zephili map, Lendill informed me. We wanted to wait until the shipping station got the first crates so we can get the shipping addresses. Anyone expecting seed will get a visit from the ASD instead. This is too perfect, Reah. I think we can arrange for a surprise for Arvil's visitors while they're looking over his fields. We need you to stay with them until we make our move, though, so they won't suspect anything. Just promise that you'll skip away at the first sign of the ASD attack.

I'll do it, I grumped mentally. I didn't tell him that I'd be searching for a way to get the reptanoids out of the way, too. I wasn't about to let them get killed or captured.

Keep up the good work, special agent Nilvas. I think I can get you a promotion and a pay increase. Lendill was gloating. Well, that was easy for him—he wasn't neck deep in the middle of it.

On a personal level, I merely wanted to come out of this alive and intact. I also wanted Farzi, Nenzi and their brothers to get out of this alive as well. I wondered if I could skip them away somewhere, just so they could be free for a change. I grabbed my comp-vid after setting the dough to rise again and started looking for likely places that would be safe for them.

"Reah, you look tired." Teeg held my face in his hands when Astralan folded me to Campiaa to pick up the wine and arrange for the kitchen staff and servers. Kiasz was going to help me out with my mission. He even offered to come and help out on Zephili, but I told him he was needed where he was. I didn't want any more friends' deaths on my conscience. Kiasz looked disappointed, but I gave him a hug and hoped he'd get over it. He was far safer where he was, although Campiaa wasn't very safe to start with.

"Teeg," I bumped my head against his chest.

"What's wrong with my baby?" His fingers stroked my jaw and neck before he bent down to kiss me. Tory, Ry, Astralan and Stellan were with us in Teeg's new study; he'd set it up inside Arvil's palace, not far from Arvil's office.

"Boss, do you want us to take care of that problem over at SG-2?" Stellan asked. I lifted my head—Stellan had called Teeg boss. Apparently, there was a problem at The San Gerxon II, Arvil's casino on the opposite end of the curving strip of sand that housed all of Campiaa's casinos. Of the thirty-eight casinos on that quiet bay, Arvil owned thirty-two of them. Word had it that he took payments from the other six owners for the privilege of having a casino on Campiaan soil.

"I'll come. Astralan, take Reah back to Zephili for me."

That was it? Take Reah back to Zephili? What was going on? Tory couldn't even offer me a shrug as Astralan came to haul me away. I hadn't gotten any mindspeech from Tory either—was he afraid to tell me something? I went cold for a moment, worried that there was indeed something more happening than I realized.

"Come along, short one. You can drool on the boss later." Astralan took my arm and folded me away.

"Reah, will you fix lunch?" That was Arvil's greeting to me the moment Astralan landed us inside the main kitchen. Therefore, it was justice, perhaps, that I was set to preparing lunch for Arvil, the Hardlows, three of the four warlocks, all three of Arvil's newly hired wizards and my reptanoids. I hugged Farzi, Nenzi and the others who jumped in and helped with sandwiches while I put soup and a fruit dessert together. Fruit and rum drinks were also served—I didn't like how grumpy the new wizards seemed to be.

"Lack of female companionship," Astralan jerked his head toward the three wizards when I set his plate in front of him. Giving the barest of nods, I went to serve Celestan and Galaxsan next. Arvil and the Hardlows had been served already. I didn't want any of them upset over who was served first.

"Don't worry," Celestan whispered as I handed his plate over, "we're instructed to fry them if they lay a finger on you." He gave me a crooked grin as I lifted an eyebrow at his comment.

"Reah, this is excellent," Galaxsan was already sipping his drink.

"Then you should only have one; I put a double shot of rum in there," I replied, wrinkling my nose at him.

Nearly everyone was finished eating when Farzi, Nenzi and their brothers sat down with me to eat lunch. Only Astralan and one of the wizards were still at the island, lingering over their food. I sat between Farzi and Nenzi while we ate. I was almost too exhausted to eat and knew I'd have to start dinner soon if we were going to have rolls and something for dessert.

"Reah, you teach us more so we be more help for you," Farzi dipped into his soup. Our meal was a quick one, with pasta and vegetables added to seasoned broth.

"You've been a big help already," I rubbed Farzi's back affectionately.

"I'll pay if you'll put your hands on me," the wizard pushed his plate toward the center of the island.

"I'll kill you if you say anything like that to her again," Astralan examined the fingernails on his right hand. "Master San Gerxon has already issued that warning. I will make sure it is enforced."

My food had suddenly gone tasteless. Arvil's wizards were criminals, it was easy enough to see, but for someone to die over a comment? I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Paltis, the wizard, gave Astralan a dark look and stalked out of the kitchen.

"Farzi, make sure someone is with Reah at all times," Astralan went on. "If any one of those f**kers makes a move toward her, kill them. Bite first, ask questions later. Arvil was in too much of a hurry to hire replacements." Astralan rose from his seat at the island. "Lunch was good, Reah. I'll look forward to dinner."

Farzi and I just stared at each other after Astralan left the kitchen. I couldn't even put words together to say how I felt. Puzzled and afraid were the two emotions closest to the surface. Slipping off my barstool, I headed toward the door that led to the back of the house and the pool area. Farzi and his brothers were right behind me. I kept walking until we were halfway between the plantation and the barn. Stopping there amid a profusion of tropical plants, I turned to Farzi, Nenzi and the others.

"Farzi, if I ask you to do something sometime, will you do it and not ask questions?"

Farzi blinked at me, completely puzzled. Eventually, he nodded his head. "Reah, I know this is trust. We do this, because you ask."

"Good." I hugged Farzi, then Nenzi and each of the others. "I love you. All of you, and I worry about how things are going to turn out."

"We worry, too." Nenzi gave me a second hug. I held onto him for a while.

"We'll have the reception around the pool—the weather is too nice to have this indoors," Arvil informed me after dinner. He'd called me into his temporary study; he looked at home there already.
